Round 5: lost and found

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A/N: Hey there! Sorry it took so long to write this. I already had an idea for this since last week but I just didn't know how to like make a story of it. But yeah, here's my entry for round 5. I hope you like it :) -R

Lost and found

"Please, my lord. I beg you. Have mercy. Please!" A woman in her thirties was kneeling in front of me. I sighed. Were people really so naïve to think that I would somehow pity them? How many times do I have to tell them that I have no mercy? With no one. I raise my trident and I look in her eyes. They were full of fear. I love that sight. "You know I don't have mercy." I grin and lower my trident. With one stab I saw the life flowing out of her. "Take her away" I tell my men. They obeyed and walked away.

"You really don't have a soul, do you?" I open my eyes and see another one of my men standing in front of me. "Excuse me?" I say without flinching. "You heard me." He said with a challenging look on his face. "I did indeed hear you, but what makes you think that you can tell such things to me?" He didn't seem to care. "It just had to be said." I feel myself becoming angry. "Alorius, I am the goddamn devil. Of course I don't have a soul." I rolled my eyes. People can be so annoying. "You don't have a soul." He said again. "OK, thanks for the information. Didn't know that yet."

"You don't have a soul. You don't have a soul. You don't have a soul. You don't have a..."

I quickly opened my eyes and looked next to me. Rina was still asleep. Thank god, it was just a dream. I turn around to see that it was 6 am. Not too bad, I suppose. I'm going to try to write some songs with the lads at 9 am today so no harm done. I walk towards the bathroom, undress myself, and allow the warm water to hit my shivering body. I close my eyes and start to think about the nightmare. I've never had a dream like that in my entire life. It may seem ridiculous but it actually felt so real. I actually felt like I didn't have a soul. I still have a soul, right?

Get you shit together, Mark. Of course you still have a soul. Early mornings aren't really my thing.

I walk back towards the bed. Rina was awake. "Hey love, did you sleep well?" She asked worried. I sighed. "Yes." I replied coldly. "You okay?" I sighed again. "Yes." Why am I being such a dick to my wife? I love her. So much. Wait.... Do I? Do I actually love her? I shake my head and walk downstairs. I'm just grumpy today, that's all I guess.

After I've finished my breakfast, I leave the house without saying anything. I step inside a cab and I arrive at the recording studio. Daniel and Glen were already there. "Hi man!" They say happily. "Hi. Let's get to work." I say without showing emotions. "Mark what's wrong?" Glen asks. "NOTHING IS WRONG WITH ME! PLEASE SHUT UP AND GET TO WORK." I shout. Damn, people can be so annoying.

"Woah..." Daniel whispers to himself. I really don't care anymore. Why are people so concerned about me? I'm a grown-up man; I think I can handle my own shit, thank you very much.

The day went by quickly and I had shouted a few more times but I'm glad I survived it. Daniel and Glen slowly walk towards me. Daniel takes a deep breath. "Mark, why are you being so cold towards us today? If there's something wrong, we can help you. You know that, right?" I sigh. This is useless. "Yeah, I guess so... I'm sorry. I think it's just a bad day..." Glen put his hand on my shoulder. "I think there's more than that going on, Mark." Damn, why do they always have to know everything?

"You thought right. I, er... I've had this weird nightmare about me being the devil and I killed someone... Then someone told me that I didn't have a soul and then I woke up. At first I just thought it was complete bullshit but I've been thinking and I have this crazy theory that it might be true... Maybe I don't have a soul... I think I've lost it." I say. Wow, I'm glad I finally spoke to someone about it. "Wow, that's something" Daniel says. "Yup..." I reply.

"So... is there a way that you can... find your soul again...?" I sigh. "Well what do you expect me to do? Go to a lost and found place or something?" Glen hugged me. "Listen, man, we just want to help you. We hate seeing you like this."

"Yeah, indeed" Daniel beamed. "But I'm really not myself. I mean, I'm calling you Daniel in my head!" I really need to deal with this shit. "Hey, you'll be alright, ok?" Daniel said softly. I nodded and headed back home.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" I yell. No reaction. They must've headed out or something. I walk towards the living room and lie down on the couch. I felt a cold wind creeping in so I decide to close the window, when I see a creature standing in front of me. He is all dressed in white: white skin, white robe, and white hair. "W-who are you?" I stutter. This can't be true. I must be dreaming again. I pinch myself. Yup, I'm definitely awake. "I am Alorius." He said with a monotone voice. Alorius... I know that name. "Do I know you?" I ask him. "That's not a thing that matters. This is what matters: you seem to think that you have lost your soul, don't you?" I slowly nod. "Yes, I do."

"Well I'm here to help you earn it again. There is one deed that must be done. If you succeed, then you'll have your soul back. If not, then you'll see what will happen." What the hell is he trying to say? "S-So what's the deed?"

"You have to kill that fella with the big eyes. I believe his name is Glen." This hit me like a brick. "Wait... What?! I have to kill my best mate to earn my soul again? This is bullshit."

"I'll be able to see you from up there so be careful with what you do. I'll find out your decision soon. Good luck" And with that, he left as quickly as he came.

Normal people wouldn't believe all this but compared with this day, this might not be the weirdest thing I've experienced today. I sigh. There's no way I'll be killing Glen. I won't ever do that to him. But it's not possible to live without a soul. I can't keep on living like this. I'll go insane. If you don't want to do the deed, then you'll have to end your life in the most dramatic way you can think of. The devil loves a bit of drama. I hear a monotone voice saying in my head. Is this Alorius guy seriously making fun of this situation? I guess I don't have a choice...

"Can I have some gasoline for my car, please?" I ask the salesman as innocent as possible. He looks at me with some suspicion but eventually hands me the gasoline. I pay the man and walk outside. If he wants drama, then he'll get some drama. I walk towards the nearest wood and open the jerry can with gasoline. I take a deep breath. Is this really what I want? No. But I am not going to murder my best friend. Glen. Gentle Glen. I think of his eyes. And Danny. I'll think of his generous smile. And Rina and the kids. I want to remember all of them. I try to think of all these things at the same time while I feel the gasoline on my body. I light the match and slowly let it fall out of my hand. There's no time to feel the pain because once I dropped it, I was already on fire and my body was already burnt. I close my eyes. It's been a wonderful life.

What is this place? I think to myself. I look around and I see that I'm in a very white room. Is this heaven? Am I in heaven? I turn around and see Alorius standing behind me. "Don't be stupid, this isn't heaven. You're still alive." He speaks calmly. Wait... What? This is impossible. I just set myself on fire. I just died! "I lied. You didn't have to kill him. If you did, it would only confirm that your soul was indeed gone. But in the end, you didn't kill him. Why? Because you care about him. The fact that you value his life more than your own, means that your soul was still in there. So... Congratulations, I guess. You've found your soul back."

You only know how vulnerable you really are once you've faced death. And man, I haven't felt so fragile in my entire life.

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