Part 20: The Autumn Samurai.

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After their encounter with the siblings, the group is now at a cliff that points at Liyue harbour as they are still thinking about what happened during the reunion.

Paimon: Are you okay? Paimon never imagined the siblings would have sided with the Abyss...

Aether: I still can't accept it...

Y/n: Come on, Aether. I am sure that they must have good reasons that results in them joining the Abyss.

Paimon: Well, keep your chin up, Aether! Paimon believes in all of you. And when the going gets tough, the tough get going! Right?

Aether: Yeah. You're right.

Paimon: They said we needed to "reach the end of our journey..." Paimon bets they still has lots more to tell us! And we won't find out what this "journey" is or where it will end unless we keep going!

Saikou: Paimon's right. Staying and doing nothing will never benefit us in any way at all.

Aether: Thank you, guys.

Paimon: Don't mention it, partner! Travel buddies are supposed to look out for one another.

Y/n: Yeah. If we stick together, I am sure we can finish our journey together as soon as possible.

Paimon: Although... where should we go next? If we want to continue with the journey... hmm...

Aether: I still need to find that god...

Paimon: Oh! You mean the god that took the siblings away in the first place... ...You're right. After all, everything that followed... all this confusion... it all started with her.

Aether: I need answers from her.

Paimon: Yeah, Paimon bets she's the key to understanding this whole mystery. Well, we've ruled out two gods so far — the Anemo and Geo Archons. So, next...

Y/n: the electro archon.

Aether: In order to meet her, we must go to Inazuma.

Paimon: Hmm... Paimon doesn't think we can simply walk into Inazuma. Zhongli said it was a closed nation. We'll have to find some other way in... Why don't we ask someone from Inazuma how to gain entrance?

Aether: I'm sure there's someone we've met...

Paimon: Oh, Paimon's thought of someone already — Atsuko, in Liyue Harbor! She's from Inazuma. Let's see what she has to say.

The group enters the harbour and meets up with a woman named Atsuko. After the group asks her if there's any way to get to Inazuma, she replies by saying that the method she used when trying to escape Inazuma has a very slim chance of success as she had to craft a small raft and go through a raging storm while getting away from her pursuers. Even after she succeeded in getting away from Inazuma, she got stranded on the ocean for countless days with all her food and water supplies already used up. In the end, she was rescued by someone from Liyue and she now stays at Liyue harbour.

With the information gathered from Atsuko, the group decides to find a captain named Beidou.

They travel from Liyue Harbour to a giant boat named the Alat Guyun Stone Forest. Once they managed to board the giant ship, they come across two people that seem to be having a chat with each other.

 Once they managed to board the giant ship, they come across two people that seem to be having a chat with each other

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