Part 28: The duel before the throne.

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As the group and Denki go on their separate ways, the group manages to catch up with Kujou Sara in Inazuma City.

Kujou Sara: You followed me here? You've got guts, I'll give you that. Since you are witnesses, I suppose I can shield you from arrest - at least until I have received an explanation from Takayuki.

Y/n: That's very nice of you.

Kujou Sara: But... if it turns out that you have been deceptive in this matter, then not only will you be arrested immediately, but you'll also be charged with one more crime. Do I make myself clear?

Y/n: Yes, Ma'am.

Aether: Lead the way.

Kujou Sara: Hmph. Good.

The group and Kujou Sara proceed to go to the Tenryou Commission Headquarters but are stopped by a Tenryou guard as soon as they get inside.

Tenryou Guard: Apologies, Ma'am, orders from the top. No one is allowed to enter!

Kujou Sara: Out of my way! I need to speak to him. I won't tell you twice!

Saikou: I don't think they are willing to obey you this time.

Y/n: Looks like we are going to have to fight our way to him.

The group and Kujou Sara begin fighting all the Tenryou Commission guards in the headquarters. With all of them taken cared of, an old man named Takayuki appears and tells her to stop fighting.

Kujou Sara hesitates at first to question Takayuki about the evidence, but was helped out by Paimon with her words of encouragement. Eventually she manages to ask the question only for him to straightaway admit that he collaborated with the Fatui while the reports are legit. He explains that he will be rewarded handsomely for initializing the Vision hunt decree. Given that the Kujou Clan's power is diminishing, he believes that this will also benefit the clan as it will preserve its power thanks to the Fatui.

After that hearing everything that Takayuki said, Kujou Sara plans to tell Raiden Shogun the truth behind the Vision hunt decree to put an end to it. However, he says that what she's doing is futile as well as the fact that Shogun is having a meeting with Signora which surprises the group as they now know who is behind this civil war in Inazuma.

Kujou Sara quickly makes her leave as she recklessly decides to go to Tenshukaku to go see Raiden Shogun and Signora which is followed by the group also going there for that same reason.

Once the group exits the headquarters, they notice many unconscious guards which is probably Kujou Sara's doing as they are going to their destination. As soon as they enter the Teshukaku, they see Signora and Raiden Shogun as well as Kujou Sara who is seen lying flat on the ground.

Signora: The way people charge in here as they please... So uncivilized. If I didn't know this was Tenshukaku, I might have mistaken it for some kind of street market. Have you learned your lesson now?

Y/n: Kujou Sara!

Paimon: Oh no, what has she done to her...

Raiden Shogun: The right to punish Inazumans for their crimes is mine alone. Not yours, Signora.

Signora: ...Then I apologize, Almighty Shogun.

Aether: Signora!

Signora: I know, I know, you can't get me out of your mind. But you really don't need to call my name all the time. Don't go thinking I'm surprised to see you here. I'm well aware that you hate me, with the way you follow me around like a dark shadow.

Aether: You're secretly distributing Delusions...

Saikou: You also want to put Inazuma under your control.

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