Part 22: The Inazuma City.

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After successfully escaping Ritou, they are on their way to the Inazuma city to find Thoma in a teahouse called Komore Teahouse. When they reached the place, they are halted by a woman who stands at the entrance to the teahouse because it is not open to general public. Fortunately, they show her the invitation letter from Thoma which convinces her to allow them to enter. Once they enter the building, they try to find Thoma inside but to no avail.

Paimon: Well, now that we're here, where's Thoma? *sigh* Paimon doesn't see him anywhere, do you think he forgot his promise to meet us?

???: Who forgot their promise? I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me!

The group looks at the source of the voice to see a dog that wears a light orange coat and a white headband.

Paimon: Wh-Wh-What!? Is that dog talking to us!?

Saikou: Thoma turns himself into a dog!?

???: Hahaha, relax, no need to look so surprised. I take it this is the first time you've seen me in this form?

Y/n: Enough with the prank.

Aether: Where did the human-looking Thoma go?

Thoma: Huh, so you didn't see anything like this when you were in Liyue Harbor?

Paimon: Ah, now that you mention it, this does suddenly seem less out of the ordinary...

Y/n: Well... we do happen to come across some of the adepti who take form of animals.

Aether: But it still doesn't really add up...

Thoma: Hahaha. Alright, alright, I've had my fun.

The real Thoma shows himself as he exits from behind counter where he hid just now.

Paimon: Hey! You're this close to getting an ugly nickname, mister!

Y/n: Trust me. It is the worst thing that can happen to you.

Thoma: Hehe, well, I've had some time to kill, given that I've been waiting here for you for so long... as was the case in Ritou... So I came up with this little fun greeting for when you arrived. But, in all seriousness, I would like to apologize about that little "test" you went through earlier. Though it was quite necessary... It helped us determine whether or not to bring you before Miss Kamisato, and whether you had the courage to face the lightning alongside us.

Paimon: Hmph. Don't think that Paimon's gonna forgive you just because you're getting all serious now!

Thoma: Haha... Sorry, did I overdo it? My apologies.

Aether: So, how did we do in our "test"?

Saikou: Did we pass?

Thoma: Let me just say this, you've often found yourself skirting "the rules" from the very beginning, haven't you? Naturally, this is due to your unwavering and resolute determination. A long time ago, we had a friend who was much the same... but when the lightning struck...

Aether: You mean Kazuha's friend...

Y/n: The one who had a duel before the throne, but he lost his life in the end.

Thoma: Ah, so you've heard of his story, hmm... His light still burns all the more brightly...

Aether: So will we be allowed to meet the Shirasagi Himegimi?

Thoma: Yes, of course. I will bring you to the Kamisato residence, where the Yashiro Commission is located. But before that, there is one other place I was hoping you both would accompany me to.

Paimon: Oh? Where?

Thoma: I would like you to come with me to the Statue of the Omnipresent God. It's still under construction now, but you can already see it from practically anywhere on Narukami Island.

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