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Control Room

A high-tech control room consisting of numerous consoles and workstations facing a huge wall of monitors, the center most of which displays a map of the island.

A high-tech control room consisting of numerous consoles and workstations facing a huge wall of monitors, the center most of which displays a map of the island

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Technicians work diligently.

Man #1: (radio chatter) Two juvenile Triceratops are going at it again. Should I tranquilize them or are you coming over to take care of this?

Man #2: (radio chatter) Yeah, got ahead and tranquilize them--

Man #2: (radio chatter) Uh, they're rutting.

Claire enters holding a Starbucks coffee cup and addresses two of the technicians, Vivian Krill and Lowery Cruthers. Lowery's desk is covered with toy dinosaurs and he's wearing a Jurassic Park shirt instead of a Jurassic World one.

Claire: What's the live count?

Vivian: Twenty-two thousand, two-sixteen,

Claire: Any incidents?

Lowery: Yeah, six kids in the lost and found, uh, 28 down with heat stroke, and some--

Claire notices his shirt of the ill-fated and famous Jurassic Park.

Claire: Where did you get that...?

Lowery: (gushing) Oh, this? I got it on eBay. Yeah, it's pretty amazing. I got for 150 dollars but the mint condition one goes for 300, easy--

Claire: (annoyed) Didn't it occur to you maybe that's in poor taste?

Lowery: (contritly) The shirt? Yeah, no, it did. I understand people died. It was terrible, but... (gushing again) That first park was legit! You know, I have a lot of respect for it. They didn't need these genetic hybrids--

Claire sighs.

Lowery: They just needed dinosaurs, real dinosaurs! That's kind of enough--

Claire: Okay, please don't wear it again.

Lowery: (contritly) Yeah, wasn't gonna...

Vivian changes the subject.

Vivian: Did you close the deal?

Claire: Looks like it. Verizon Wireless Presents the Indominus Rex.

Lowery exhales and lowers his head.

Lowery: (exasperated) Ugh, that was so terrible! (raises his head) Why not just go the distance, Claire? Let these corporations name the dinosaurs. They've got all the ballparks. Why stop there?

Claire notices something, interrupting him.

Claire: Why are the West Plains closed?

Vivian: Another Pachy roaming outside his zone, but he's fully sedated and ready for relocation.

Lowery: (still on his earlier tangent) Pepsisaurus. Tostitodon.

Claire: Security said the invisible fences were a no-fail. That is the second time this month.

On one of the screens shows a Pachycephalosaurus sedated being treated by the crew of a Mercedes Unimog mobile vet vehicle.

Vivian: Well, the Pachys short out their implants when they butt heads.

Claire: How much longer until they get it out of there?

Vivian: (surprised) He just got five milligrams of carfentanil.

Lowery: Yes, he's very stoned. So why don't we show a little sympathy?

Claire smiles, amused.

Lowery: I mean, you do understand these are actual animals, right?

Claire stares at him with an uncomfortable look and instead of answering, Claire draws attention to his desk.

Claire: Clean up your workspace. It's... chaotic.

Lowery: I like to think of it as a living system. Just enough stability to keep it from collapsing into anarchy.

He adjusts one of the toy dinosaurs that is slightly out of place. With her foot, Claire nudges a trash can over. Lowery, reaching for a bag of chips, knocks a soda cup off the desk, and because Claire nudged the trash can over, it falls into that instead of hitting the floor. Fortunately, the tip remained on, so it doesn't spill. Now embarrassed Lowery retrieves it from the trash and returns it to his desk as Claire exits the control room.

Announcer: Inbound chopper, Jurassic 1. ETA five minutes.

Outside, a blue Eurocopter Colibri with "JW001" on the tail flies in and lands on the helipad. Claire gets aboard and sits in the backseat. Up front is park owner Simon Masarani and his Flight Instructor. Masrani removes his sunglasses.

Masarani: (turns around for the greeting) Claire.

Claire: (surprised) Mr. Masrani! You're... flying!

Masrani shrugs as if it's no big deal.

Masrani: I got my license.

F.I.: (holds up two fingers) Two more.

Masrani: Well, two more days. (turning in his seat) So, how's my park doing?

Claire: Great.

She makes a show of consulting some paperwork.

Claire: We're up two and a half percent over last year, a bit lower than our initial projections--

Masrani: (interrupting) No, no, no, how's it doing? Are the guests having fun? Are the animals enjoying life?

Claire: Well, guest satisfaction is steady. In the low nineties. We don't have a way to measure the animals' emotional experience.

Masrani: Sure you do. You can see in their eyes, right?

Claire: Of course.

He turns back around.

Masrani: Okay, now show me my new dinosaur...

Everyone braces. Claire gasps as suddenly the aircraft lifts up awkwardly into the air. Looking a little wobbly, it zooms off over the park.

Masrani: Got it, got it... got it!

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