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Raptor Research Arena

Jurassic World worker Leon falls into the raptors' paddock, attracting the attention of Blue, Charlie, and Delta. Owen opens the gate and rushes inside to save him with Hunter behind him, not leaving his father to do this alone.

Barry: (from behinde the outside gate) Owen, Hunter, NO!

Hearing Barry says his son's name, Owen looks slightly behind him to see Hunter near him.

Two rangers aim their weapons at the raptors from the platform above.

Owen: (to the two rangers) Oh no, no, hold your fire!

Owen approaches the three raptors with Hunter behind him and sees that the rangers don't comply to his father.

Hunter: (to the rangers with a glare) Hold your fire, do not fire! (the rangers comply)

Barry enters from the outside gate closing it behind him.

Owen: Put 12 amps in these animals, they're never gonna trust me and my son again.

Barry pulls Leon out of the paddock with the inside gate still wide open.

Hunter: (to Blue) Blue, stand down. 

Owen: (to Blue) Stand down.

Blue snaps at Owen.

Owen: Hey, hey! What did I just say? Delta, I see you. Back up.

Delta snarls.

Hunter: Okay, good. Good. Charlie? Stay right there. Good.

Owen and Hunter doesn't take their eyes off of the 3 Velociraptors for a second.

Owen: (to Barry) Close the gate. (to Hunter) Get out of the paddock.

Hunter: (to Owen) Bold of you to assume that I'll let you do this alone, dad.

Owen doesn't say anything to his son knowing very well who Hunter took his stubbornness from.

Barry: (to the father-son duo) Are you two crazy?!

Hunter: (to Barry) Just trust my dad. AND me. Close the gate!

Barry press the close button as the bars to the paddock close from above to the ground.

Owen and Harry back up to the gate. At the last possible second, they drop down and roll underneath as the gate slams shut. The raptors try to follow and ram their heads into the metal.

Barry comes and helps the two up.

Owen: We're okay.

Hunter: Yeah.

Owen: (to Leon) You're the new guy, right?

Leon: (nods) Yeah.

Owen: (to Leon) You ever wonder why there was a job opening?

Hunter: (to Leon) Hey. Don't ever turn your back to the cage.

Owen pats the boy's shoulder. On the other side of the bars the raptors are staring at Leon.

Barry: (to Hunter) Where did you get that stubborness from?

Owen and Hunter shot a look at Barry.

Owen: (pointing to himself) From me.

Hunter nods at this as Barry signs shaking his head and smiles.

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