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Owen and Hunter's House

Claire visits Owen at his bungalow near the sea where now Hunter is aganist a tree looking at his dad who is repairing his motorcycle.

Claire visits Owen at his bungalow near the sea where now Hunter is aganist a tree looking at his dad who is repairing his motorcycle

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Hearing the engine of a car, both Owen and his son look toward the car when Claire is out and looking at the remirror.

Owen: What do they want now?

Hunter: (to Owen amusedly) A second date perhaps?

Hunter then laughs a little while Owen shots him a look.

Owen: (sarcasticly) Ha! Ha! Very funny.

Hunter throws him a smirk as Owen roll his eyes smiling slightly.

Claire comes toward them as Hunter waves at her smiling.

Hunter: Hey Claire!

Claire: (to Hunter) Hey Hunter.

Clarie: (to Owen) And Mr. Grady? (Hunter and Owen raise an eyebrow at that) I need you two to come take a look at something.

Owen: (confusly) Why are you calling me Mr. Grady?

Claire: Owen. If you're not too busy?

Owen: I'm pretty busy. (drinks some Cocacola and sees Hunter shots him a smirk)

Claire: We have an attraction.

Owen: (stands up) That's not what you said the last time I saw you.

Claire: The dinosaurs, Mr. Grady.

Owen: (interrupt) Owen. (walks toward Claire)

Claire: (struggling since a fly is around her) A new species we've made.

Owen: (catches the fly with his palm) You just went and made a new dinosaur? (see Hunter mouthing "show off" which caused Owen to resist not to smirk)

Claire: Yeah, it's uh kinda what we do here. The exhibit opens to the public in three weeks. Mr. Masrani wanted me to consult with you.

Owen: You want to consult here, or in my bungalow. (sees Hunter thump ups at him)

Claire: It's not funny.

Owen: (Laughing) A little funny.

Claire: We would like you to evaluate the paddock for vulnerabilities.

Owen: Why me? (sees Hunter raising an eyebrow) And my son? (sees Hunter smiling)

Claire: I guess that Mr. Masrani thinks, since you two are able to control the raptors... (voice trails off as Hunter's and Owen's faces goes to seriousness)

Owen: See, it's all about control with you. We don't control the raptors, it's a relationship. It's based on mutual respect. That's why you and I never had a second date. (sees Hunter smiling at him hearing the last part)

Claire: Excuse me, I never wanted a second date.

Owen: Who prints out an itinerary for a night out?!

Claire: (a matter-of-fact tone) I am an organized person.

Owen: And what kind of a diet doesn't allow tequila?

Claire: All of them, actually.

Owen: Well--

Claire: (interrupting) And what kind of a man shows up to a date in boardshorts?

Hunter: (laughing) She got that right, dad. (Claire smiles slightly while Owen looks a little betrayed)

Owen: (to Claire) It's Central America; it's hot. (to Hunter) And you should be support me, son. (sees Hunter smile)

Claire: Ok, ok. Can we just focus on the asset, please?

Owen: The "asset"? Look I get it. You're in charge out here, you gotta make a lot of tough decisions, it's probably easier to pretend these animals are just numbers on a spreadsheet. but they are not. They are alive.

Claire: Oh, I am fully aware they're alive.

Owen: You might have made them in a test tube, but they don't know that. They're thinking: I gotta eat. I gotta hunt. I gotta... (makes a hand motion) You can relate to at least one of those things, right?

Claire steps down from Owen's cabin going face-to-face with him. She looks at him ready to say something smart.

Claire: I'll be in the car. You might want to change your shirt, there very sensitive to smell.

Claire walks to her car with Owen staring at her while Hunter comes to him.

Owen: Are you alright, Hunter? You're awfully quiet, you didn't even tease us like you usually do.

Hunter looks directly in Owen's eyes then at the sea.

Hunter: You know when my instinct tells if something is wrong... (Owen nods slowly and conserned since Hunter's instincts are never wrong) Well, it's telling me this... "new attraction" is dangerous and...

Owen: (urges his son to continue) And...?

Hunter: (looks at his father in the eyes) And something bad, something worst will happen.

Owen looks allarmed hearing his son's words.

Owen: I will come after changing my shirt. Let's see what this attrection is.

Hunter nods his head slowly.

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