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Mosasaurus Feeding Show

On the Mosasaurus Arena, almost more than a thousand visitors sit in the audience.

On the Mosasaurus Arena, almost more than a thousand visitors sit in the audience

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Zach and Gray sitting within them. The announcer stands on the platform, speaking.

Announcer: The Mosasaurus was thought to have hunted near the surface of the water where it could prey on anything it could sink its teeth into.

Above the announcer and into the lagoon, a great white shark is via a mechanical hook.

Announcer: Okay folks, let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today. She's a little shy so be nice and give her a hand when she comes out.

Gray shoves Zach in excitement while Zach is staring at a picture on his phone of his girlfriend.

Gray: Zach! Zach! The Mosasaurus! (this causes Zach to look in front of him)

SUDDENLY! The big fierce reptile of the sea thunders out of the water and snaps its jaw onto the Great-White dragging it under the water within lagoon and sending a pool of water over the audience.

SUDDENLY! The big fierce reptile of the sea thunders out of the water and snaps its jaw onto the Great-White dragging it under the water within lagoon and sending a pool of water over the audience

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Soaked in water, the audience cheer and clap in total excitement and 'awe' to what they just saw. Zach smiling and unbelieved to what he'd just seen, claps along with everyone else's. The bleachers begin to move downwards.

Announcer: Okay, hold on tight. We're going to give an even closer look at our Mosasaurus.

When the bleachers stop moving, the audience are now sitting in the Underwater Observatory and are watching an underwater view of the reptile. Noise fills the attraction with cheering and clapping. The Mosasaur grabs the last of the Great-White shark eating it whole then rapidly biting it.

Gray: It has eighty-eight teeth.

Zach: Hey, you wanna see something else cool?

Gray: Yeah!

Paddock 11

The construction crews are on break as Claire, Owen and Hunter get out of the car. Owen stares up at the towering walls, looking unconvinced and more than a little uneasy then glanced at his son who looks at him.

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