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Claire is in her Mercedes racing back to the main area of the park, talking on her cell phone.

Claire: We have an asset out of containment! Put ACU on alert! This is not a drill!

Control Room

Lowery and Vivian are chatting.

Lowery: Even though I didn't meet him until I was thirteen, I definitely considered Carl to be, like, more of a dad than my real dad...

They hear a beep. On the park map, a blinking red dot indicates trouble in the Restricted Area. The phone rings. Lowery answers it.

Lowery: Yeah, hello?

Claire: (over the phone) Lowery...


Claire: ...get me coordinates on the Indominus.

Control Room

Lowery and Vivian exchange confused glances.

Lowery: Okay, yeah, uh...

Masrani enters and looks up at the map.

Lowery: ...let me do... uh, I'm doing it right now.

Paddock 11

Owen and Nick enter the main area of the enclosure through a side door. Warily, they walk through the jungle to the back wall, where a worker, Ellis, is inspecting the claw marks. Owen is alert while looking at the window glass where his son is, who slightly looks at him then at the jungle, while Nick looks nervous remembering the "stupid" kid's words even knowing that the kid is actually right, but they make it over to where Ellis is without incident. Owen feels the deep grooves with his bare hand and the three men stare up at the massive wall looming over them.

Nick: (skeptical) That wall's forty feet high. You really think she could've climbed out?

Owen: Depends...

Nick: On what?

Owen: What kinda dinosaur they cooked up in that lab... (looks at Hunter who is looking cautiously at the jungle from the observation tower)

Control Room

The tracking device indicates on the map that the dinosaur is still in Paddock 11.

The tracking device indicates on the map that the dinosaur is still in Paddock 11

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Lowery: (confused) Wait, what the hell? It's in the cage...

Paddock 11

Hunter looks at the jungle and swears that something moved and narrows his eyes, slightly looking at Owen who just turned to the marks then suddenly at a point where he slightly sees something... white.

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