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The copter zooms off over the jungle. Masrani is a mediocre pilot at best, but his inexperience despite only two days of training left is made up for his sheer enthusiasm for flying. He's having the time of his life. Claire not so much. She remains braced against her seat, clearly terrified. The F.I. for his part seems to be keeping his cool.

Masrani: You look tense, Claire.

Claire: (nervously) Maybe you should just... focus on the controls...

Masrani: The key to a happy life is to accept you are never actually in control.

Up ahead, Claire sees something, pointing.

Claire: Bird!

The F.I. jerks, startled, finally losing his cool, as Masrani, imitating the bird's cawing sound, swings abruptly right to avoid colliding with the animal.

Masrani: You should spend a day at the beach. Get some sun.

Claire: Uh, right, so marketing thought we could offset some of the costs--

Masrani: (interrupting, dismissively) Ah, enough about costs! John Hammond entrusted me with his dying wish, and not once did he mention profits. "Spare no expense", he used to say.

Claire: I appreciate that, but the reality of operating a theme park is that it requires--

Masrani: (interrupting) Don't forget why we built this place, Claire. Jurassic World exists to remind us how very small we are. How new. You can't put a price on that. Now please... (turns in his seat and smiles) ...we're flying!

He puts his sunglasses back on and pushes the throttle forward.

Masrani: Breathe...

They brace themselves once more as the helicopter flies past a waterfall and comes in low over Paddock 11.

Paddock 11

Paddock 11 is a large fortress-like structure with forty foot reinforced walls and an enormous gate at the front. It appears as if the exterior is still under construction. The helicopter touches down roughly and everyone gets out. The F.I., clutching his stomach, runs away and vomits into some bushes.

Claire: (to Masrani) Is he okay? (yelling over to the F.I.) Are you okay?

Masrani: (dismissively) Oh, he's just being dramatic.

He watches construction workers welding things together.

Masrani: Are you still building...?

Claire: We planned to open in May, but Asset Containment insisted we build the walls up higher. It's bigger than expected.

Masrani stands for a moment observing how huge the walls are.

Masrani: It's a good sign.

Claire leads Masrani into the paddock's observation room, a large control room with computers and enormous windows overlooking the interior of the enclosure. Supervisor Nick stands at one of the touch screen thermal imaging consoles as they come in. Masrani takes off his sunglasses.

Claire: We hit a few speed bumps early on. It began to anticipate where the food would come from.

She gestures for Nick to leave and he exits, leaving the two of them alone.

Claire: One of the handlers nearly lost an arm. The others threatened to quit if I couldn't guarantee their safety.

They go to the windows. At the moment, it isn't possible to see anything but dense jungle.

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