Revised Chapter 7

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A/N Konnichiwa! Sorry for the delayed post, but as my sister always says, good things comes to those who wait! 

I am definitely planning to finish this story, but chapter posts may become more sparse as we get further into spring, so just a heads up.

I don't have much else to say, so... Happy reading!

    Having gone from a nameless girl to one of the ninja's greatest, former enemies, I thought I could handle anything. I faced terrifying criminals twice my size, resurrected an evil Warlord, 'survived' a building that fell on me, and yet, I couldn't handle the simple exercise of meditation.

Sitting quietly with my legs crossed while trying to clear my mind of worries wasn't exactly my cup of tea. I hated it. Unfortunately I did not have a choice in doing this exercise. Master Wu was adamant that I meditate alongside Lloyd. He claimed it would curb the severity of the dreams we were having and give him time to figure out why we were having them.

With my eyes closed, my other senses were amplified. I could feel the wind blow around me, it's cold air biting into my skin and making me shiver. I could smell the faint scent of rain in the air, forewarning me of a storm. I tried to push it all aside and summon peaceful thoughts. Water flowing serenely through a valley, beautiful wildflowers swaying in the wind, and...and...this is stupid.

I sighed and opened my eyes, taking in the breathtaking view from the mountaintop. Green grass covered the side, just starting to turn brown from the cooler weather while the birds still chirped their melodies in the trees. Up here was serenity and peace, yet I still couldn't relax.

Unwillingly, my eyes trailed to the boy sitting across from me. His eyes were closed and his blond hair was ruffled and messy from the wind. What caught my attention most was the undisturbed expression on his face, one I rarely observed on him. A familiar fluttery feeling twisted through me as I studied his face. I quickly glanced down at my hands as my cheeks heated up.

Of all the people in the world, why did I have to fall for my former enemy, again? Why did Lloyd have to be so forgiving, sweet, awkward, and stubborn?

Feeling annoyed with myself, I did what came natural and pushed down my feelings, using the old method of suppression that worked for years. I sighed loudly before changing my position. After a few minutes I shifted again. And again. Finally Lloyd opened his emerald eyes, staring straight into my gray pair.

"We've been over this Harumi. You can't keep moving." His tone was slightly exasperated, making me smile sheepishly at him.

"I'm bored, Lloyd. Can't we do something else, like arm wrestling, or hiking?" I spread my hands to indicate the mountain. "Meditation is boring and we have this whole mountain to explore."

Lloyd rolled his vivid eyes, giving me an expression I've seen Master Wu use. "Meditation is supposed to be boring. That's how you focus your thoughts and find inner peace."

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "More like finding your inner crazy." I muttered. Lloyd sighed and stood up. I copied him, taking the chance to loosen my stiff muscles.

"I think that's enough for today." He nodded his head towards the Momastery doors on our right. "You need to get ready for your trip into the city with Nya." At Lloyd's words, my sour mood instantly vanished and was replaced with a giddy feeling.

"I would prefer that. Thank you Lloyd!" I gave him a quick hug before darting into the monastery, desperate to leave before he changed his mind. I had almost forgotten about my planned adventure with Nya.

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