friend zoned ♡

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a/n: i came from school in the happiest mood despite being a bit tired. hearing about moonbin's death made my heart drop and even now i still can't fathom what happened. i'm so sorry and i give my deepest condolences to everyone who stanned astro and their family. i never really stanned them but i know he was an amazing person. fly high moonbin, rest in peace and rest in love. we love you.


"i don't fucking understand him yoongi." y/n said as she cried to her close friend about her problems.

"what happened?" yoongi said as stepped aside.

currently y/n was outside of yoongi's house with teary eyes and her body shaking from controlling her breaths.

it's only been two days since jungkook told her about his new relationship, and she thought she would've been able to handle it.

but clearly not.

y/n wasn't one to cry so much, but she also didn't hide was she was feeling.

she was just right smack in the middle.

but today, she couldn't handle it and went to the first person she could think of, and that happened to be yoongi.

she trusted him with anything and everything from the inside and out.

and he knew that y/n had a fat crush on the raven.

she walked in and took off her shoes before being lead to the living area where she comfortably took her seat next to the other.

"take a few steps back. what happened?" he questioned softly.

he didn't like her in a romantic sense, instead he viewed her as a younger sister he's always wanted. So of course he had a soft spot for her.

"three days ago jungkook introduced me to this girl named jina. she really likes him but she was such a bitch to me. then two days ago he just comes up to me and tells me he's dating her. i seriously thought, 'wow okay whatever i can handle it, it's no biggie' but no, it's so much harder than i thought. i didn't realize how much I liked him until i felt the amount of hurt. he's so fucking irritating." she said say with an empty laugh as a few tears started to build up.

yoongi listened intently to everything but somethings weren't making sense to him.

"why is he so irritating?" he asked and the girl just sighed.

"he's giving such mixed signals." she took a breath to calm herself before speaking again.

"somedays he'll act as if i mean the entire world to him, then the next i'm friendzoned so hard it's almost embarrassing." she said with a frustrated tone and yoongi couldn't help but hold back a laugh at the sudden attitude.

"i know it sounds stupid, but it seriously messes me up so much i have no clue what to do at this point." yoongi nodded slightly.

they both know what she has to do, but it's just as hurtful for both of them.

"y/n, I think you should just, distance yourself from him." y/n looked at him with a look of uncertainty.

"wouldn't he notice that though?" yoongi shrugged.

"if he does, then just tell him you didn't want jina to get the wrong idea. he won't mind if he knows jina is the one of concern." he says and y/n sighs.

"i know it's hard, and it will be but you can't afford to hurt yourself. it's not worth it later on." he but his bottom lip to prevent himself from saying anything else that would've hurt the poor girls feelings.

"i know, i'm sorry. that sounded so bad but it's what you have to do at this point. you can't just be like, 'oh yeah i like you' while he's in a relationship." he said in the most softest voice he could muster out.

"you're right, i already knew what to do, but i guess i just didn't want to accept it. " y/n went over a bit and hugged him lightly, smiling when the other returned the action.

"thank you yoongi." she said softly which warmed the blondes heart.

"anytime y/n."


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