Chapter 7

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although Tama was hyped, her hype disappeared after hearing my idea, luckily i managed to convince her to stay with me thanks to my overwhelming charisma (yeah, as if).

Tama began cleaning the fridge while i sweeped the contents of each cupboard and took out whatever that seemed in a less of an edible state.

she may or may not have thrown out some perfectly green vegetables which is evident by her smug little round face, but i don't call her out on it, i wasn't going to ruin my alliance with the devil now.

"yaay! the kitchen is sparkling now!" Tama exclaimed happily.

"it sure is, well done my charming assistant" i patted Tama's head.

"Makoto, i worked hard right?" she asked.

"you did very well" apart from throwing away good vegetables that is.

"then i deserve a treat!" she said with her eyes wide.

"Magical girls shouldn't expect rewards, they help for the sake of helping" i said in a scolding tone.

"yes, i know that, and seeing mama smile would be great but....its almost lunchtime" urk, yes thats right, i did promise Tama a nice meal if she behaves.

"ah yes, i did say that if you behave well then I'll cook you something great"

"well then, lets go shopping since we need new ingredients to make you a very delicious dinner, what do you say Tama?" Tama's eyes were practically shining like stars.

she winds her hands around my legs and rests her head onto my upper thigh

"yes i like the idea, i love you Makoto." it seems that food isn't just the best way into a man's heart after all.

"you are my best friend Makoto!!!" ok, maybe that was way too effective, but I'll take it.

and with that, we headed out shopping for new ingredients, Tama was literally skipping through the whole supermarket, throwing all sorts of ingredients into the cart when my back is turned.

"Makoto! there is chicken over there! lets have something with chicken in it!!"

"Makoto, Makoto, look at these Chocolate Mushrooms, mama never lets me have any of them, can i get some?"

"Makoto Look! the ice cream is on sale, lets take some!"

"waaah, look at these strawberries, they are so cute"

"Makoto, take some cheese, its delicious when it gets stringy and melty!!"

im not sure what i can make with these eclectic range of ingredients but i doubt she is thinking about the practicalities, which is natural since she is a kid.

but sadly, i have to put my food down, i can't let her put everything she wants in there.

i did let her keep the mushrooms as im fond of them too, especially the biscuit part.

after being demoted from best friend to a "poopey head" our shopping spree has reached it's conclusion.

after thinking about what to make for Tama, i settled on making hamburgers, no kid can resist this dealy combo of meat,potatoes and cheese.

as i was working, Tama came in and grabbed the hem of my shirt.

"Makoto, what are you cooking?"she asked curiously.

"its a surprise, why don't you go to the living room and color a book or something?" i answered.

"the coloring book is boring and i don't want to be alone" she pouted, even though she is devil, her pout is still cute.

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