Chapter 10

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days kept on going, i go on weekends to babysit Tama and once Sayaka comes back, she tutors me.

honestly, seeing this new side of her while tutoring me is quite unexpected but in a good way.

my teacher, or rather, my commander is also giving me homework, and she threatened me to have Tama cut my hair if i don't deliver them on time.

putting the punishment aside, her way of teaching sure is interesting, she really could have a great career as a teacher, but for now, I'll improve myself little by little, i don't want to lose my hair and possibly my ears to that devil, honestly, her having a pair of scissors is a recipe for disaster.

i was done with my science homework when a knock was heard on the door.

"im coming!" i got up and turned the knob.

"hello there Makoto" 4 people showed up, four people i haven't seen for a very long time.

"do you mind if we come in Makoto?" Shuichi asked politely, that guy never changes, though he seems a bit more, confident maybe?

"sure come on in guys" i welcomed them.

after a warm cup of tea, we began discussing their unannounced visit.

"so you want me to help you recover Sayaka's old life?" sure, im all in but.... this did sting me a bit, heh, no need to keep thinking about why.

"yes, we asked Taka to use his influence here to track the culprits" Kyoko explained.

"wait, culprits?" i asked in shock.

"come on Makoto, do you really think she would just get her contact terminated like this? someone had to have done this" Shuichi spoke angrily.

"yes, this scumbag must die for his crime against hope" Nagito clenched his fists, still as Nagito as he can get.

"i wouldn't say die is a right word but certainly we need to punish him" Taka said awkwardly.

"i have Maki and Rantaro on the case from my end, Byakuya and Mukuro on Kyoko's and Hiyoko and Fuyuhiko from Nagito due to their influence" Shuichi added.

"so what exactly am i supposed to do?" i asked, eager to know my part.

"keep her distracted" they said in unison.

"uh......thats it?" so they are trying to expose whoever is behind ruining her reputation and im just going to distract her?

"yes, don't take this the wrong way Makoto, its just that, no one knows her as good as you and our line of work is quite dangerous to bring you considering your physical status" Kyoko explained, thats harsh, but understandable.

"alright fine, but what exactly am i distracting her from?" i asked.

"going to the agency of course" Taka said loudly, this guy's voice just haven't lost it's touch.

"very well, I'll do my best" i said with a smile.

with my guests gone after getting their contact information, days started going through the same routine, on weekends i go to Sayaka's to babysit Tama then get tutored after she comes back from work, on weekdays its a mix between homework and refining my cooking skills then inviting the Maizono household to give me their verdict, i even sometimes teach Tama on weekends, she has been enjoying our times a bit more and i have to say, under this layer of boldness and inconsideration, there is a pure and an adorable child who is just like any child in this world.

its not exactly the life i thought I'd have, but i can't deny how enjoyable it has been for me, it was like my life had a semblance of structure, order, purpose.

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