Chapter 24

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it was morning, Tama was going to be here in a couple hours, after yesterday' know what? im keeping that to myself.

"good morning sleepy head" i greeted Sayaka as she came to the kitchen still a bit groggy.

"moorning" she said followed it with a yawn.

"i made you tea as well as breakfast" i gestured for her to go to the low table.

her clothes were loosly put on, there is so much that i can see.....jeez.

"can't you cover up a bit Sayaka?" i asked.

"hmm? i thought we had enough yesterday" .....

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! YOU MAKE IT SEEM LIKE WE DID IT MANY TIMES-" i started hearing her laughing.

"hahaha,you are so easy to tease, its unbelievable" i can't believe her.

"ugh, you can be too much i swear" i pouted.

"ok ok, im sorry" she definitely isn't sincere.

"yeah whatever" as much as im a bit irritated, at least she is happy.

just then i noticed her mood suddenly dropping, did i do something wrong?

"Sayaka? something wrong?" i asked as i went to sit next to her.

"Makoto, Thank you" where is this coming from?

"for what?" i asked.

"for being by my side, and supporting me" i feel like she said this sentence like 5 times now.

"thanks to you, i managed to forget about my worries, i think this deserves a thank you" she says as she gets closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder.

despite her words, that obviously isn't everything.

"Sayaka, you still have something bothering you" i say as i stroke her hair.

"well....Makoto? can i stay with you forever? i have grown quite fond of you and I can't think of a future without you anymore, so please don't leave, i don't want to let go of you" i figured that she would still feel this way, that is what happened before Leon had left her after all.

"Sayaka, i never even considered that, i really want to be with you......well that is if...." i paused.

"what is it?" she asked, looking at me.

"if you would let me that is, i don't want to force something on you" i know its weird to say this after all that happened but give me a break.

"that is what he said to me too, im used to being abandoned, its nothing new if you get tired of me, im not the most interesting of people, now that you have gotten what you wanted-" ok, its time to set things straight.

"wait, wait, wait! hold on Sayaka, are you really hearing yourself? you don't think that im interested in you just for your body, are you?" i asked, still wondering what i did for her to think this way.

", i don't think you are.....but.....Leon was like that, and i liked him, at least i thought i did" she paused.

"he said he'll be by my side forever, no matter what, and in the end he left me, you are a better man than many of those out there, thats a fact but.....i don't want to get my hopes up.......i....sniffle......i don't want my heart to break again" this is going to be fixed with three words "proof of commitment" but this requires a long term effort, an effort im ready to put in.

i could blame Leon all i could but....he was a teenager so what was i even expecting?

"i can't blame you, i can't promise you that I'll never upset you, and I can't say that I'll be the best man you have ever seen but....I'll do my best, im sure I'll make mistakes as i have never had a girlfriend before but...i promise that im never going to leave you" i said as i held her close and patted her head.

"y-you won't?" she said weakly.

"i won't, heck i can't even fathom having the thought" i smiled.

"what about Tama-"

"Tama is a cool kid and i love her, I'll look after her with you, i may not be her father, but I'll do my best to be a good father to her" i paused.

her expression grew softer, im glad that im slowly reaching to her.

"look Sayaka, i know that all of this is nothing but sweet words to you, and i Haven't really done anything to prove myself, willing to stay with you for as long as i can, in order to convince you that im never leaving you" i tightened my embrace on her slightly.

"after all, i can't fulfill my dream if i leave you" saying that made her look at me suddenly.

"what does your dream have to do with me?" she asked in a way close to a shout.

"i want to make you happy" saying that painted a surprise expression on her.

with that, she finally showed me a sign that i have managed to ease her worries, a smile so soft yet so bright, then burried her head in my chest.

we stayed like this until Tama had arrived.

time skip to Tama's arrival

"so, what do you think Tama?" Sayaka was waiting on Tama's verdict on the pancakes.


"well, seems like we have a winner, but lets make sure, So Tama, are Takako's pancakes better or your mom's?" i asked the girl.

"hmmm" is it really a hard question?

"both are great!! hehehe" what a diplomat, im starting to wonder if she has a chance at politics now, so many options for this little girl to take.

"well, with that settled, i should go now" i stood up.

"wait, you aren't going to take me to school?" Tama asked.

"sorry Tama, i have something to do" something very important.

"but i want you to take me to school" she pouted.

"your Mom will take you today, aren't you happy that its her and not me?" i asked.

"no, i prefer my Papa to take me to school, Mama isn't as fun as Papa" Tama, im too young to die, please don't give Sayaka any ideas.

"well, your Papa said he is busy so you have to settle with your boring Mama" the stare she is giving me now is terrifying.

"say Tama, I'll pick you up from school and treat you to a sundea, what do you say?" i suggested.

"really?" she opened her mouth in surprise.

"only if you listen to your mom, now go and double check your bag just so that you aren't forgetting anything" this should do it.

with her gone, Sayska looked at me.

"i guess we have no choice but to get married, hahaha" she then started laughing.

"haha, yeah, i guess so" im still terrified, help.

"anyway, I'll get going bye!!" i exited as quickly as i could.

i then looked at the message i received today, feeling happiness i can't put to words.

Shuichi: we did it buddy, Sayaka is back as an Ultimate Idol!!!

come by today at my house so we can plan her welcoming party, i brought literally everyone from our hope's peak days!!

Author's Note: im craving pancakes after this chapter

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