Chapter 15

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a month has passed and we are now in the middle of summer, the warm air blowing away any stubborn clouds that refused to leave.

and today is the long awaited day, the day where i go to the beach with the Maizono family.

today is going to be a great day, because of the sun......and the beach.....and having fun with Tama, its definitely not because of Sayaka wearing a swimsuit, but ok I'll admit, it is a huge bonus.

we were now on the metro that is heading to the beach.

"mama, look at all these houses!! so many of them!" Tama exclaimed as she pressed her palms flat against the window.

"i can see them dear" Sayaka replies with a small smile, i bet she is glad that she is finally having the quality time she was asking for.

Tama is just drawn to all the houses as if this is the first time she enters a city, its actually quite cute.

"don't stay this close to the glass, you'll hurt yourself" Sayaka warned.

"but i wanna see the houses" she said, her face is now stuck to the glass.

"you silly bean" Sayaka Sighed.

"we are not even out of the city yet" she added as she looked tired.

"we are still in the city?!!" Tama exclaimed.

"yes, we are in the suburbs" Sayaka said.

"we have been on the train for hours" Tama complained.

"its only been ten minutes" Sayaka raised an eyebrow.

"thats too long" Tama complained yet again.

"for an impatient girl like you maybe" damn we have a fight over here.

"also, sit properly, you might disturb the other passengers or hit Makoto with your Elbow" she added.

"oh no, its fine, don't worry about me" i reassured her.

i then looked at Sayaka, she seems happy about this.

"its nice to see Tama being this excited" i said as i ruffled her hair.

"yeah, im happy too but i just wish that she would get excited a little bit more quietly" she said looking even more tired.

"though getting this excited just from the suburbs, i hope you don't think its silly" she said a bit shyly.

"no not at all, honestly, anything Tama does or says is just cute in a way" it may seem like im sugar coating it but i really feel this way.

"and besides, thank you for being my guide" i said as i bowed.

"hmm?" she looked at me questioningly.

"i only ever go from the house to the University, i don't really know much outside of that area, so....thank you master for showing me the way" i bowed again.

"hehehe, i suppose thats true" she paused for a bit as she closed her eyes and smiled.

"but i should thank you too" she continued.

"what for?" i literally did nothing.

"for coming with us, i know this trip will be even more fun with you around, and Tama has been looking forward to it because of you, she has grown quite fond of you, you know" she said with a smile.

i looked at Tama thoughtfully, she was still kneeling and looking at the window, deaf to the noise around her.

im glad she likes me, i still remember how she was treating me way back then.

with these thoughts, i sit and stare at the ceiling of the train, thinking about what Shuichi had told me, i wonder if i could be of any help.

that was all i thought about as i drifted to sleep, at least, that was what i planned to do.

"Mama, why can't we have a big house like these ones?" Tama said a bit too loudly.

"its too costly my dear, i can't afford it" Sayaka replied.

"im sure we can move in if you worked harder, i would love this more than anything" there she goes again, saying something that is completely tactless without knowing because she is too young to understand.

i really wanted to sleep but seeing Sayaka's cornered expression, i have to bail her out.

"so you prefer a house over the beach?" i asked.

"huh? what do you mean Makoto?" she says in surprise.

"well you can only have one, either the beach or the house" i said sternly.

"but this isn't fair, why should i choose? Kenji has a big house" she pouts as she argues.

"well, do you see him with us?" its a weak argument for sure but at least she isn't that smart to pick up on it.

"well, no" she says in defeat.

"and i know that you were looking forward to this trip, Sayaka even bought you a new swimsuit, didn't she?"

"yes she did, and i really want to show it to you" don't hit my heart as im scolding you please.

"see, if you get a house, you wouldn't be able to show it to me, so it will be a waste" i try to make it sound like a tragedy, earning a chuckle from Sayaka.

"but i can wear it in a bathtub!" she still has some fight in her.

"no you can't, its called a swimsuit for a reason, you can't swim in a bathtub" i reply.

"i can in a big bathtub" smart kid i tell you.

"no bathtub is as big as the ocean" but i can outsmart her.....hopefully.

"but if you really want to go back then we can-" i was interrupted mid sentence.

"NO, im going to the beach, I'll eat yakisoba bread and I'll show you my cute swimsuit, its really really cute you know" you know its true when she repeats it many times.

"i know, you look cute even if you wear a garbage bag" i say as i ruffle her hair.

"ew, im not wearing that" she says angrily.

"figures, so, are we set on going to the beach?" i ask her.

"well, i want to go to the beach, i did tell my classmates after all and they were so jealous of me" i win, but lets make sure i did win.

"yes, Kenji might have a big house, but we are the ones who will have fun" i say enthusiastically.

"yes, im going to have so much fun that Kenji will be jealous of me" at least you are useful for something Kenji.

"thats the spirit!" we pump our fists in the air.

"and um....Makoto?" she suddenly is very shy.

"yes?" i reply curiously.

"i don't know how to swim, could you teach me?" she asks.

"say no more, today, you will learn how to swim and make Kenji even more jealous" i reply smiling.

"Really!!!" her mouth is open in surprise.

"of course" i say as i bow as if she is a princess and im her servant.

"you are the best Makoto!!!" she gets close to me and buries her head in my chest, hugging me tightly.

a few seconds later and she breaks away and goes back to watching the passing rows of houses.

i look at Sayaka and mime a sweat wiping move "crisis averted" i say smiling weakly.

"hehehe, i honestly don't know what i would have done without you Makoto" she smiles happily that Tama has been contained, for now.

"no problem, this is what friends are for right?" i bow.

"y-yeah, you are a good friend" she said while looking a bit disappointed, i hope its not something wrong that i did.

Author's Note: its not something you did, i can tell you that much buddy.

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