spill the tea..

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gossip girls

billy the perv: stu wtf is this..

Y/N/other names : please don't send what I'm think 💀

sweet pea😩: what are you thinking :0

ginger hob knob: naked people.

sweet pea😩: 😟 wtf...

Y/N/other names : hey who tf taught sweet pea how to fucking swear

billy the perv:

billy the perv:

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stew👺: oh its my frog army

hockey boy: I hae a real fro g armmy 💀

stew👺: fuck you hockey boy I have a mom😕

flesh eater : Stuart, that is not nice , apologies Jason 

Y/N/other names : no fucking way I have a army too!

Y/N/other names : no fucking way I have a army too!

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billy the perv: wtf....

ginger hob knob: what are you guys five?

WHO TF IS THIS!? \ slashersWhere stories live. Discover now