meeting not so secret admirers

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breaking my back for you rn My little toe nails 🙂

I've also started writing a black phone story but I won't be posting it as ill be finishing this book first  , but I've written about four chapters on the new book !

or would you like me to post the new book , but focus more on this book?

✨gossip girls ✨

stew: were nearly there bbg 😻

Y/N/other names: really .. wow take your time! 

stew: wait-

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Y/n rushed around her house trying to tidy as much as she could , even though she had already tidied yesterday . She was pretty damn proud of herself , she felt like a house wife in that moment as Micheal was sprawled on the sofa , cat in his lap , watching some documentaries  of himself . Y/n turned as she heard him grunt angrily , pointing  at the TV with his finger threateningly .

"Micheal, remember what we talked about?" Y/n placed her hands on her hips with a raised brow , Micheal scoffed under his mask but nodded broodingly . "You need to stop watching those, they make you angry.."  Y/n whispered  the last part before walking towards the slouched over man, 

"Micheal." Y/n stared  at the masked man with annoyance , as the killer looked straight towards the TV paying no mind towards the woman trying to block his view of the TV. Y/n sighed biting the inside of her mouth , she grasped his masked cheek in her hand  turning his head towards her. Forcing his eyes to meet hers , she watched as his eyes widened momentarily before composing himself once again , the tall man stood up towering over Y/n forcing her to let go of his cheek.

Micheal grasped her jaw with his large hand, slowly tilting her head up making her eyes meet his , he slowly moved his head down towards her, Making Y/n gasp as his mask lips slowly dragged  over her parted ones. She felt his hot breath move towards her ear , his nose bumped against her cheek before letting her go . He spoke for the first time ,in a deep voice ,  "you don't know what you do to me, Y/n." His voice made Y/n shiver in delight . She felt his calloused hand trail up her waist , she felt his eyes trail over her figure , he pulled his hand away before pulling out notepad and pen. 

 ThEiR  nEaRlY hErE ( their nearly here)

As he showed her what he wrote , someone knocked against her door loudly , Y/n could her a man giggle . She knew it was Stu , a small smile splayed on her lips. As she walked away from Micheal , hearing him groan before sitting back on the sofa once more . Y/n slowly made her way to the door , her nerves were through the roof , checking her attire once more she opened the awaiting door . 

To Y/n's shock nearly the whole group was standing out side , " I- uh , hey Y/n right?" a bright blonde spoke , he was tall not as tall as Micheal but taller that the boy standing next to him , he had brown hair with Gel glossed though it . " hey , yeah that's me?" Y/n's voice quivered as she met eyes with the group "may we come in?" a handsome man spoke with an English accent , he was wearing a tailored expensive looking suit , "oh I'm so sorry , of course " Y/n stepped aside letting the group walk into her warm house littered with candles . 

" I'm Stu" the tall blond giggled  , staring down at y/n licking his lips , y/n let her eyes roam over his face glancing over the few piercings that littered his face .

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