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"mommy!" little Y/n squealed running towards her mother, Who's arms were wrapped around her baby brother."Y/n for fucks sake, You could off made me drop him!" Y/ns mother snapped nastily , glaring at the little girl. Before gently bringing a finger to her baby face, softly stroking his chubby face.

"so precious" she cooed at the wriggling babe, "sorry mommy.." Y/n murmured glancing at her feet nervously . staring at her favourite pink glittery shoes . Her mother drew her eyes back to Y/n's pouted face , sneering she clenched her teeth "you should be sorry, get to your room."

Sniffling Y/n obeyed her mothers orders , stumbling up the stairs , as soon as got to her room she jumped on her pink covered  bed with a small cry. Y/n grabbed her toy bunny to her chest , burring her nose deep in the toys fur. " I hate it here" the little girl cried clutching her pillow with her other hand . A dark voice whispers into the sobbing girls head , muttering the same words over and over again. 

"kill them, hurt them the same way they hurt you, Y/n."


Y/n couldn't believe it, killers have just booked a flight to come to her. What the fuck? Y/n knew they were killers as soon she was added to there dull chat, I mean who else has the name Hannibal - no other than Hannibal Lecter? as well as Micheal Myers . And then they act shocked when they found out you know who they  were?  It made Y/n laugh at their stupidity .

But seriously , Y/n was panicking a little it had been a while since someone - or a group of people have stayed at her house, never actually . Y/n blushed at the thought of her measly little small house  that she grew to share with Micheal. Would they make fun of her when they found out she named her plants, Micheal never did , in fact she and Micheal went to a shop to buy one together . weirdly enough the spiky plant was called "Mike" chosen by Micheal. 

Y/n never really liked hanging around anyone, you could call her a loner if you were meaner , but she was just anti-social , her mind filled with insecurity's . She was also a people pleaser , even if it upset her , she would do it for you. 


At 15 Y/n was invited to some popular girls party, Why Y/n was invited she didn't know. They were playing the original game of spin the bottle , A game Y/n dreaded with her whole heart , which is why she said she didn't want to play, But  Kelly, the girl who was hosting the party  looked down at the wide eyed girl , with fake smile , Kelly placed her hands on her  waist , rubbing her hands on the thin fabric of her revealing   dress.

"cmon, Y/n it'll be fun!" Kelly grasped Y/n's shaky hands with her orange hands , freshly  done with fake tan, she chewed her gum loudly  making Y/n cringe , but allowed the taller girl, To draw her along. Oh how she would have  regretted that.

Tucking her legs , neatly under her bum , Y/n glanced nervously around the circle of people that were downing their bottles of beer . "alright let's start this! " a short boy with brown fluffy hair , a a t-shirt way too tight that clung to his chest hollered . After a while Y/n started to lose interest , Until she heard people giggling , she let her eyes drift back over to wonder what they were snickering about. 

But to Y/n's horror , the bottle had landed on herself , Y/n flushed bright red her eyes wandering over to who had spun the bottle. A petty red head girl , dressed in a brown halter top , wide flare jeans , with chunky  boots topped off with a black leather jacket , stared  directly at Y/n a small smirk adorned her pale freckled face .

Before Y/n could react the red haired girl went to her knees and shuffled in front of Y/n , The girl placed her polished finger nail under her chin , and placed her raspberry-pink lips on Y/n's , Y/n gasped in the kiss , the kiss was sweet and short , unlike any  other kisses people that kissed  before , that were messy and loaded with lust . The girl pulled away , patting Y/n's warm cheeks, softy  . 

You might of thought of that was cute, Y/n did too , she couldn't stop thinking of the pretty red head that took her first kiss. That was until she walked up to her at school, a nervous smile played on her lips , it disappeared  complete when she was met with a look of disgust . "  you don't think I actually like you?" the red head sneered , before laughing with the two girls that we're standing beside her . Anger boiled in Y/n along with shame and embarrassment but Y/n decided  she wouldn't let them walk all over her like she let her parents do. 

" no, I just wanted to tell you that I feel real bad for the divorce  your parents are going thought, my dad knows them because he's their  lawyer." Y/n smiled sickly sweet , her eyes darkened at the girl in front of her who had shrunk back as the hall grew quite as they watched the scene  in shock. "and the bankruptcy your dads going through with his company "  The girls eyes watered , her face going red as her hair , Y/n waved the group of girls before she stared to walk towards the main door. Smiling as she heard the whispers curl around like smoke around the halls. 

"I got you all figured out" Y/n mumbled.

just some  pics for you even though I just wrote a monstrosity! 😻

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