questional ways

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Kinda smutty??????? ⁉️

legs are open for Bo Sinclair 💞💞🤰🏼.   funnily enough I'm thinking of adding the Sinclair brothers in 👀

" listen guys, I might like you , but not enough  to hide a body in my closet "

" help I'm dropping him" Y/n squealed , her arms crumbling under the weight of the limp body . "Just drop him" Stu groaned holding the boys legs . "NO, NOT ON THIS FUCKING CARPET " Y/n screeched jamming her knee in the boys back to keep him from slipping on the floor . 

They both made it to the living room once again to find billy laying down bin bags for the body to lay on, Y/n dropped the boy on the bag before turning towards the rest of the group , as well  as  the new people who had  met up  - Bubba , Thomas  and weirdly enough pennywise too . Who was staring at the body with a creepy smile .

"okay." y/n spoke slowly "what the fuck is this madness?" Y/n eyed the group in front of her "its not my fault " Stu cried out , slowly kneeling in front  of Y/n holding onto her thighs for support , looking up her with his wide eyes  Pouting out his lips "you wouldn't understand " he mumbled placing his forehead on Y/n's stomach , breathing deeply of her perfume .

"you might need therapy " Y/n mumbled , eyes wide, her finger tangled into his mop of soft hair. "you make me go crazy baby " Stu winked "okay enough , Y/n we're deeply sorry but this boy had started to gain an obsession of you" Hannibal gently placed his hand on her shoulder , his eyes narrowed as he looked down upon the now lifeless boy.

"okay... why did you bring him here?!" Y/n shook her head wildly , closing her eyes briefly as Stu nuzzled   his nose into Y/ns side  affectionally  before Y/n  shoved  him away , biting back a laugh as Stu dramatically fell back whining . "he was outside , watching you" Tiffany sympathetically placed her hand on Y/ns calf . Blinking slowly , eyes wide, as much as a dolls eyes could get.

"we had to make sure he wouldn't hurt you , Y/n" Hannibal spoke from behind the now timid girl  "we won't let anyone hurt you" Billys eyes darkened as he stared at Y/n.  "do you mind getting him out of here?" Y/n swallowed the  bile that rose up her throat as she looked away from the boys mutilated now lifeless body. A shiver went up her spine , they killed him for her safety - which yes was nice in some kind of way , but also a little fucked up. Y/n hadn't known them long and they were already killing for her.

'If that wasn't alarm bells ringing I don't know what is ' She thought scrunching her nose as she got a wafted smell of the sweet metallic scent  of blood. "well- thanks I-I think? don't kill anyone for me again please " Y/n awkwardly smiled trying to look anywhere than the dead body that lay right in front  of her. "we'll do anything for you" Pennywise had slithered  quietly behind Y/n smiling crazily , his clown facade disappearing for a second and showing a tall handsome man , green eyes pointed nose and perfectly tamed brown locks . Before turning back to his clown look , pennywise looked flustered for a moment before disappearing into thin air once more. 

"boi what da hell?!" Stu cackled , sticking his long tongue out as he clenched his sides " Bo would like you" Stus eyes darted for a moment " a good thresomes too, if ya know what I mean" he slowly winked before whining at the glares he received . Y/n blinked harshly trying to ignore the burning sensation on the tips of her ears as she hear stu giggle out as she walked away "what she's blushing- OW" bubba slapped Stu groaning into his mask , Bubba made a whining noise before returning  to Thomas's side who was staring around the room , blinking wildly . 


Y/n glanced at Micheal before leaving the room claiming to get a drink , Y/n smiled as she heard Michaels heavy boots hit the floor following after her slowly , almost as if she was his victim . Reaching up for a glass Y/n stutters out a breath as she felt Michaels hand trail up her shirt , squeezing  her breast making y/n let out a high pitched whine , tilting her head back , her head meeting his chest. 

Y/n bit her lip as she heard Micheal Goan in her ear , widening  her eyes as his hardness touched her butt, he circled his hips groaning as Y/n pushed his hand down to the hem of her panties . "please , touch me" Y/n held a harsh grip on his arm , whining as he rubbed over her clothed cunt , feeling the wet patch, that he had caused. 

throwing her head back as she felt his fingers trail over her cunt, trailing light touches here and there on her most sensitive parts , before rubbing her clit painfully slow. Gathering her wetness on his fingers , before harshly slapping her cunt , making her clench her pussy , moaning Y/n placed her hand on the base of Michaels neck pulling him closer . "please need it so bad " sniffling as he slid a finger into her tight cunt , pumping slowly at fist before adding a second finger , knuckles deep , still rutting against her Micheal pulled his mask up showing his pretty raspberry pink lips.

Y/n's chin was pulled towards his face harshly , to Y/n's surprise he smashed his lips onto hers , Micheal slid his Tongue  into her mouth , exploring everywhere making Y/n moan into the sloppy kiss. breaking apart Micheal trailed his plump lips over her neck , still thrusting  his long finger into her , making her clench at the sensation .

"I'm- I'm gonna cum-" Y/n felt her her tummy tightening at the feeling , her cheeks reddened at the noise of her wetness , that trickled down her thighs , Micheal hummed in her ear "fuck" was all he said before a took last harsh rut against her before groaning loudly in her neck , Y/n felt her legs shake , she felt a wave of cold wash over her , before he slowly took his fingers out. 

Y/n pulled up her trousers with a wince , before parting her mouth at the sight of Micheal, who had placed his fingers that were once in side her into his mouth , slurping up her wetness , he let  out a low groan .Before pulling his mask down once more , just in time for Stu to come bounding through the room man giggling .

"hey- we have taken the problem away missy" gently placing his head in Y/n's neck before he slowly pulled away Stu became alarmingly quiet before he trailed one finger  over her neck , his breathing became heavy once more.

"ah, so that's what you were doing " Stu mumbled to Y/n before turning around to Micheal , who was leaning against the kitchen counter lazy watching the scene in front  of him. " I always knew there was something of a cold-hearted slut in you" he pointed his finger at Micheal slowly grinning "takes one to know one" Micheal gruffly spoke before turning away , slowly stalking out of the room .

"touché pussycat " 


btw I'm so sorry I took so long im super duper lazy 🥱

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