back to old ways

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right so I'm very sorry for the last chapter I hadn't written in a good few months and then just do a really quick shitty chapter wasn't the best idea so I hope this makes up for it . I also am slowly trying to make it back into a text fic again because that's what it was originally supposed to be LMAO-  

A few hours had past since the whole situation with Micheal and Stu ,and Y/n still couldn't look both men in the eyes no matter how they tried to get her attention . Either  it was longing glances , or lingering touches Y/n ignored it she felt ashamed of what she did , she knew she shouldn't really but two people in the same night. But in another way she really didn't feel bad.

The group soon realised  that there wasn't enough space for them, so kindly Hannibal a booked a hotel for the few days they would be there. The rest of the group had left a few minutes ago to go to the hotel but not before Hannibal could forget he had set a reservation for them all. 

"we shall see you later then?" Hannibal placed hand hand under Y/ns chin , brown eyes twinkling under the glow of the candle light. "yes of course , thank you" Y/n smiled her eyes lingering on his nose , god his nose , noses can be so  weirdly attractive . As if Hannibal noticed her lingering  eyes he smirked, before softly patting her cheek . Muttering goodbye before shoving everyone else out of the door ignoring the yells from Stu, and broken whines from Jason.

Now Y/n was left in the house with only Micheal , which made the brooding man sigh from relief  as the door closed , sprawling out of the sofa once more cat in lap , but instead of watching the documentaries  on the TV his eyes were set on Y/n. Grunting to get her attention , his  dark stare made Y/n swallow . But to her surprise Micheal simply patted the space beside him. Gesturing for her to sit.

Y/n sighed sitting down next to him tensing as she felt his arm circle her waist pulling her closer . Y/n felt her eyes get heavy as she placed her head on the mans chest hearing his heart beat quicker at the action  , Y/n would off giggled if she wasn't so tired . The last thing Y/n felt before she slipped into her slumber was  a calloused  hand touch her cheek gently.

Y/n's eyes fluttered open, wincing as she squinted at her soundings noticing  that it was now starting to darken slightly  and that she was alone , wiping the drool off her mouth Y/n searched for her phone . And opened  the group chat revealing  the chaos  that had quickly occurred .

stew👺changed the group chat name to Y/ns baby girls and Chucky 

flesh eater: baby girls?

stew👺: yeas baby girls get with it grandpa

flesh eater: GRANDPA?

Y/n and other names : you leave my fave dilf alone 

Y/n and other names : you leave my fave dilf alone 

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