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After moving an angry Micheal up from the sofa, The rest had finally settled down, well except from Micheal and Jason who stood tense    glaring at one another ." okay guys that's enough " Y/n huffed , gently trying to move Jason away from the protective figure of Micheal , who loomed over y/n from behind. Y/n slowly moved to sit down , smiling slightly as Micheal was quick to join her , Micheal leaned back , man spreading his legs , slowly lifting his hips up to get comfortable . Stu whined sadly at y/n as he saw the seat taken , but soon sat by her legs grabbing  his bag, pulling out a pack of uno.

"I brought games" he looked up at y/n under his dark lashes , before turning to look at billy expectably , billy groaned snatching the cards out of his friends hand before sharing the cards out equally. Billys eyes narrowed before looking at Micheal "you gonna play big guy?" he sniffed smirking , y/n could feel the anger washing over Micheal , she turned her head to look over as the angry tall man , she grabbed his hand bringing it to her lap before turning towards billy again. " stop antagazing each other " y/n laughed grabbing her cards .

dear lord , please never let Y/n let them play uno again. 

" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME ?" stu angrily screeched standing up , leaning over Hannibal , making Hannibal snicker as he placed down four +2  cards down on the pile . " I'm afraid  so." he sniffed  licking over his pink bottom lip, in amusement. Stu groaned sitting back down , whining on Y/ns thigh , Y/n squeaked as she felt Stu's lips brush over her thighs . " Im just gonna go get something " y/n trailed off as she quickly stood up , Stu's head snapped forwards making him  groan , "oh alright" Hannibal smiled brightly showing his pearly whites . 

Y/n quickly headed up to her room , taking deep breaths having so many people in her house was stating to make her feel warm and flustered , and not even all the group had came yet. Y/n froze as she heard footsteps making her way to her room. "Y/n, are you okay?" Stu's voice carried from where he was, " yeah , I'm fine " y/n closed her eyes briefly before turning back to her door way, where Stu was now standing. His back was leaning on the door Frame , his long arms crossed over his toned chest ,  Y/n blinked , slowly almost owl like before licking her lips turning her head back to face the wall swallowing as she heard Stu make his way over to her.

"you sure doll?" Y/n let out a little gasp as she felt Stu trail his nose over her neck , making his way to stand in front of her. Stu let his hands drop over her waist , grinning as he felt y/n slowly melt in his grasp. The tall man nuzzled against her face , pouting mockingly as he heard  y/n whine . "awe, is Micheal not treating you good enough ?" he grabbed her face tilting her head up to meet his eyes "such a needy baby, huh?" Y/n sniffed as she watched him laugh mockingly . His eyes trailed   over her face taking in each inch over her , his eyes filled with adoration . 

"can I kiss you?" he mumbled rubbing his thumb over her lip teasingly, "please" Y/n sighed, Stu wasted no time before claiming her lips into a soft kiss, his plump lips were soft and a little cracked against her own. But y/n couldn't get enough, the kiss became needer , more desperate . Stu casually ran his tongue over y/n's bottom lips asking for permission , in which y/n denied , she smiled in the kiss as she heard Stu groan in annoyance .

The smile didn't last long as she gasped into the kiss, as stu had gently bit her bottom lip , sliding his tongue  in her mouth , his Tongue  explored around her mouth desperately . Y/n let her own hands trail over his waist , pushing her hands under his T-shirt moaning as she felt his toned chest under her finger tips." please" y/n moaned out as Stu's lips now were gliding over her neck ,"what do you want, huh?" he lightly sucked on her neck , before placing a soft kiss on where he lightly had bitten .

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