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"Greetings, Emperor and Empress," Shyra said, bowing cordially to the royal couple

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"Greetings, Emperor and Empress," Shyra said, bowing cordially to the royal couple. She could feel the heavy presence of Mahi as she turned to him and bowed, uttering a 'Greetings, Prince Mahi,' without looking at him. Even from this angle, she could feel him smirk at hesitating to meet his eye.

So she ignored him and moved to the table, where a whole host of guests and praanis were seated. She was glad to see Mayurs, Vaanars, Khaats, Kurmas, Naags, and many other species of praanis that she recognized. Interspersed with them were the competitors, delegates, and important ministers and guests of honor who were invited to join them.

Sitting at her designated chair, she engaged in conversation with a few delegates around her, alternating between human and praani with practiced ease. Luckily, since the praanis were sentient, she only had to worry about their bizarre accents.

This went on for a while, until the royal family moved to take their seats after greeting everyone. Shyra felt someone sit down next to her and almost choked when she turned and saw Mahi grinning goofily at her.

"Pr.. Prince Mahi. You're... here. Shouldn't you be seated next to the Emperor and Empress?" she asked, coughing and thumping her chest.

Mahi's grin never faltered as he grabbed a glass of water and offered it to her. "Ah, that's because I insisted on being seated beside you."

She felt her cheeks grow hot as she stammered out a response, cursing herself when Mahi chuckled at her red face. I just don't get it, she thought, I mean, it hasn't even been that long since we met each other. Why do I already have all the symptoms of lovesickness?

The Emperor stood up and cleared his throat, catching their attention and, thankfully, pulling Mahi's intense gaze away from her face. After Emperor Sinay thanked everyone for attending their dinner and congratulated Shyra for winning the Games, she bowed her head in acknowledgment, and the dinner began.

Mahi tried to make conversation with her throughout the meal, but she just shoveled more food into her mouth and pretended to be busy. She could see that her actions were hurting him, but until she sorted out her own feelings and came to a proper conclusion, she didn't want to interact with him. Though going by the pain she felt upon seeing his hurt expression, she knew that there was no other explanation for her feelings.

The Emperor stood up once again and thanked the guests for dining with them tonight. "And now that we have wined and dined, let us begin the dancing."

Shyra's eyes flew open in panic as she remembered that the Games always commenced with a night of dancing and revelries. She looked around with mounting desperation as people found partners to dance with, knowing that, as the victor, she would have to take part in the first round.

Just then, she felt someone place their hand on hers, and felt a shiver down her spine at the familiar touch.

"Princess Shyra," a deep voice spoke into her ear. "Would you do me the honor of being your first dance?"

She took a deep breath and turned around, preparing to decline him, but the look in his eyes stopped all such thoughts. His eyes seemed sad and broken at her constant refusal, and the slightest bit of hope still shone in them. She couldn't bear to break that hope as well.

So she smiled, took his hand in hers, and whispered a yes into his ears, ignoring the tightness in her chest when his face brightened.

When the musicians began stringing their instruments and playing a delicate tune, Mahi stood up and led her to the center of the hall. Due to her nerves, she failed to realize that they were the only ones walking toward the floor.

All she could see was the handsome prince holding her hand and smiling charmingly at her. His intense stare had eyes only for her, and in the dim lighting of the room, he looked as handsome as a gandharva. In that moment, she realized just how deeply she'd fallen in love with him.

There. I've said it at least to myself. I've fallen in love with him, and oh, I don't know what I'm going to do now.

The clicking of their mojaris was in rhythm with the music as they held each other's waists and began swaying to the soulful tunes.

Shyra had eyes only for him, and traced the contours of his face time and again. He looked deep into her eyes in a trance-like state as he twirled her around the stone floor. Her deep blue anarkali twirled around her like the petals of a flower as he lifted her and spun her around. She landed with a gasp and clasped hands with him, tracing the steps of the ballad in front of the watchful crowd.

The crowd broke into hushed praises whenever they executed a difficult step and landed in each other's arms. Shyra didn't even want to look at how Mahi's parents reacted to how their son was dancing with a girl. Maybe he did this every year, and they were already used to it.

That thought soured her mouth and she shook her head. Now I'm feeling jealous as well? That's just wonderful.

Mahi shot her an amused look, and her eyes widened. Had she said that out loud?

"There's no need to feel jealous, my lady," he whispered to her. "You're the only girl I've danced with. I don't take just about anybody on a tour of the city. That someone would have to be quite special."

"Ah... well... that's not... that's not what I..." Shyra mumbled, looking at their feet. Mahi laughed and pulled her chin up.

"Look into my eyes, Shyra. I love staring at your honeyed eyes. There's an intensity in them that fascinates me," he said breathily.

"I love staring into your eyes too," Shyra said. Perhaps when she was conscious she would regret her words, but right now all she cared about was the wonderful man dancing with her. "They make me feel things I've never felt before. Feelings that I shouldn't feel."

"Feelings..." he said, drawing out the word. "Now, what might those feelings be?"

Shyra pursed her lips as denial coursed through her. It would be so easy to say that she didn't feel anything for him. That her attraction was momentary, or imagined. But the way her heart thumped made it impossible to lie to him. So, at that moment, she made her choice.

"Feelings... like romantic attraction. Like, love."

Mahi's eyes widened and he took in a sharp breath, tightening his hands around her waist. What sort of response is that? Is it a yes, a no, or a 'how could you have feelings for someone like me?'

"Shyra..." he murmured, causing all her thoughts to screech to a pause. "I... I have feelings for you too. Like romantic attraction. Like, love."

And just like that, he sent her entire world to pause.

She glanced up at him with wide eyes, and her mind whizzed with the many replies she could give. He noticed her confusion, and laughed, spinning her in a twirl.

"You don't have to answer right away. Take your time," he whispered in her ear, sending a course of shivers down her spine. Oh, she already knew what her answer was going to be.

 Oh, she already knew what her answer was going to be

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