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"What if we take it a little bit to the right?" Shyra asked, poring over the blueprints of the new Asteroid Path. Besides her, the architect narrowed his eyes and drew a new path on the paper. A team of contractors, designers, and planners formed a huddle around the map and put in their input as well.

The risky construction of the Asteroid Path was underway, and Shyra quickly learned that the reconstruction needed constant supervision and reconstruction. When they set a path, in the beginning, it didn't mean that that path would be fixed. It would have to undergo constant changes along the way; a fact that was draining Shyra's energy and time.

"Alright. I think this path would hold for a while longer. After we construct a bit more, we'll be able to decide if we need another planning session," the architect said. Everyone nodded and dispersed to do their duties.

Shyra trailed behind them and took a turn towards the gardens, kicking her feet and scuffing them on the stone path. She could barely refrain from running to the fountain, where they would begin their evening and explore the Palace together.


She blushed, remembering the look in his eyes when she confessed to him. He'd been deliriously happy for the rest of the evening, sporting a giddy grin and speaking barely constructed sentences.

And later, when they had time to talk about everything, they decided to court each other secretly during her stay in Alza. Courting the prince of Alza wasn't going to be as easy as that, but with their heads turned by love, the only thing they cared about was being together.

A pair of warm hands covered her eyes, blinding her. Someone's breath fanned her ear, and a heady fragrance of parijata flowers made her smile.

"Guess who," the voice said, his breath tickling her neck. She giggled and whispered 'my Jaani' back to him. Mahi removed his hands at once and bustled past her, leading the way to cover his blush.

Shyra giggled and followed him, keeping a respectable distance and keenly observing her surroundings. She soon realized that they were beginning their tour from the hallway that housed his ancestral portraits.

Mahi opened the doors with a solemnity that befitted the occasion, and she breezed past him into a dimly lit hallway that stretched out before her eyes. It was designed like a corridor with a plush red carpet on the floor and oil paintings lining either side of the wall.

She walked through the room and observed each painting with her hands folded behind her back, recalling all the important figures from her history lessons.

When she reached the end of the hall, she realized that they'd been silent throughout the way, with Mahi following behind her with hushed footsteps. She found his silence unnerving and turned around, preparing to lighten the mood with a little joke when she found him watching her with an intensity that sent her heart racing.

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