Shyra paced the courtroom, wringing her hands and muttering to herself

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Shyra paced the courtroom, wringing her hands and muttering to herself. In a kshana, the various ministers and army personnel would gather in the courtroom for the emergency meeting she had declared.

After her strange chat with the queens, when they confirmed that everything their handmaidens had said was true. They shared their own experiences of the kidnappings, the aftermaths, and Shyra identified with many of their struggles.

However, she didn't agree to the solution they offered.

"No," she'd said firmly when they proposed whisking her away to rescue the menfolk. "I can't abandon my people just like that. I have to inform them of what's happening, at least. I need to let them make the choice. Who knows, they might choose to accompany us and free our men."

Princess Arina had laughed raucously at that, much like her handmaiden Eyad, and warned Shyra that her people wouldn't listen to her pleas. Plus, she'd said, they would just hinder her attempts even further.

But Shyra insisted on informing the ministers at the very least, and the queens gave in with some reluctance.

A loud creak interrupted her thoughts as the heavy doors swung open and the ministers started to make their way to their seats. Her heart thumped in her chest as she cleared her throat and began the meeting.

"Hello everyone. I'm sure your messengers already informed you of the purpose of this meeting. Let's not waste anymore time. I've gotten information from a reliable source that Emperor Mahi has been captured by Arawn Adair."

As she expected, the room erupted at once. Ministers cast aghast glances at each other and began voicing their complaints. The royal advisor folded both his hands together in a silent prayer. Her handmaidens at once put their heads together and began forming new theories.

It was a good thing Shyra had expected this, or she would have snapped at all of them for being such cowards.

As it was, she managed to reign in her anger and speak with a modicum of calmness. "Everyone, I know that this news is quite startling, and it will require great sacrifices from our side, but I believe that this is a lead we should pursue. If we work together, we can come up with ways to rescue the emperor from there."

"No," a voice called, causing everyone to crane their necks and try to spot the person who'd spoken. Shyra raised her eyebrows in response, urging the speaker to voice his opinion.

"Empress, I admire your bravery and optimism, but I don't think we should risk our lives based on this information," a man said from the crowd.

Shyra pinched her fingers together and gestured for the man to step forward and show himself. The crowd parted to reveal the Army General, who strode forward with a smug smile.

She felt a flare of irritation upon seeing him, but allowed him to bow before her. "Army General. How nice to see you again. While I appreciate the honesty you have displayed in your opinion, you'll have to justify yourself before everyone."

His glinting eyes told her that he understood the hidden reprimand in her words, but it was obvious that he wasn't going to pay heed to them.

"Empress," he began, waving his hands with a flourish. "Our emperor was beloved to us, and..."

"Is," Shyra interrupted, turning all eyes to her. "You said 'was beloved', General. Why do you seem to be referring to him in the past tense? Do you already believe him dead?"

"Of course not," the General placated at once. "Kindly forgive my error. Our emperor is very beloved to us, and his presence haunts us in our every waking moment. Surely, Alza hasn't been the same since his disappearance."

Shyra frowned at his gushing words of flattery, but he simply grinned toothily and continued.

"However, life must go on, empress. As you might know, pranali has already begun to feel the financial effects of your search. And since your attention has been diverted from ruling, the people are suffering. For their sake, I would suggest that you realize your priorities and focus on the galaxy."

Shyra took a deep breath and prepared to respond to his allegations, but he raised his hand as permission to speak further. She dreaded letting him continue his arguments, but to seem fair in the eyes of the ministers, she nodded and let him continue.

"I understand that this would put you in a slightly difficult position, and I sincerely apologize for the timing, but you need a man by your side, empress. You need a husband. An emperor. Someone to support you during these difficult times and help you steady the pranali."

Shyra's blood boiled as the implications of his words became blatantly clear. Her gaze shifted to the rows of spears lining the wall as she considered picking it up and charging at him this instant.

Oblivious to her rage, he blabbered out his offer with a ridiculous grin.

"Will you marry me, Empress Shyra? Would you take me as your dharam pati?"

The blundering band of ministers once again started their cursed murmuring, and no one stepped up to tell the Army General how ridiculous he was being. How they shouldn't give up on their emperor, and formulate a proper plan to rescue him.

Shyra's heart cracked a little when she realized that she would have to defend herself and her honor. That, like Panchali, nobody else would come to rescue her from men and their cruel intentions.

"Thank you for your offer, General," she spoke, her voice trembling slightly; the first sign of weakness she'd shown since the beginning of the meeting. "But I'm afraid that I'm going to have to decline. You see, I love my husband," her voice broke here, and she struggled to get it back on track. "And I do not wish to replace him with another man."

His umber eyes gleamed as he acknowledged her response with a small nod. Shyra forced herself to tear her gaze away from him and roam the watching audience. Although she knew in her heart that nobody would respond, she asked the final question of the meeting.

"Is there anyone who'd join me in my fight?"

Her bold ask was met with an embarrassing silence. Everyone looked at each other and waited for someone else to make a move, like the cowards they were. When nobody stepped up, they began glancing around to avoid her blazing golden eyes.

"I see," Shyra said, and for the first time she really saw the court for who they were. "The meeting is dismissed for today. Head back to your homes, everyone. I'll figure out a solution."

Everyone gave great sighs of relief, causing her jaw to clench. Before they could understand how angry Shyra was, she slipped through the doors and strode toward their meeting spot, where Eyad and Zehra were waiting for her.

She had a lot to discuss with them, now that she had made up her mind to run away from Alza to get her husband back.

She had a lot to discuss with them, now that she had made up her mind to run away from Alza to get her husband back

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