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Fainting so many times was not part of Shyra's plan, yet to her annoyance, the Cosmos kept finding ways to put her out of action. This time around, she regained consciousness to find that she was tied to a wooden chair, with her arms and legs bound firmly.

She was in a clearing that was built like an auditorium, with stone steps meandering off in all directions. Above the steps, a dense forest blanketed them and echoed with the calls of birds and animals.

Further inspection revealed Hira and Arina bound in a similar fashion. To her dismay, their heads were lolling on the side. Great. Looks like she was on her own. For now at least.

"Hey," she yelled, straining against the ropes in the clever way her teacher had taught her. "Who has tied us up like this? Do you not know who we are? Come and show your face, you cowardly-"

"That's quite enough," a suave voice chuckled. "I don't care who you are. As far as I'm concerned, you're the ones tied to a chair, and I'm the one in power."

His words infuriated Shyra, but she forced herself to remain calm. "Alright then. We're the weak ones. What do you want from us then?"

"Your death," he replied, sending a chill down Shyra's spine. The way he'd said it made her believe that he would actually go through with her death.

"Hold up," a new voice said. Shyra almost cried with relief when she realized that Arina was awake as well. "Did you just decide to kill us? My dude, I'm not from this place, but I'm pretty sure that you'll rot in prison if you murder us, especially without provocation."

"But you have provoked us," he said, his voice echoing through the auditorium. "There were clear rules that we would be left alone in exchange for the protection we provide against wild beasts. You humans have broken your promise, so I don't see why we can't kill you."

"Who are you guys?" Shyra asked, although an inkling was beginning to form in her mind.

The voice seemed to pause for a moment, as though unsure of her intentions. "Are you mocking me right now? How can you not know who we are?"

"And how can you not know who I am?" Shyra cried back, her shoulders slumping with exhaustion and pain. "Show yourself, coward. Or will you kill three unarmed and bound women without even showing your face?"

He sighed in exasperation and seemed to shuffle forward from the shadows. As he did, Shyra couldn't hold back her gasp.

A tall, well-built man met her eyes; his features a unique blend of man and monkey. A long tail swished behind him, and the parts of him that were visible through the armour were covered in fur. His jaw protruded forward, and deep-set eyes glinted beneath bushy eyebrows.

"You're... you're baan," she said, shock coloring her voice. Even Arina uttered something like a screech, but Shyra was too preoccupied to make fun of her for it.

"Yes," he said, tilting his head to the side. "Your surprise is genuine. And do I sense... relief?"

"Right," Shyra muttered to herself. "The baan are exceptionally good at sensing emotions."

"You're not even from Ilya," he said, frowning. "What are you doing here, trespassing on our boundaries?"

"We were looking for you, O great warriors," Shyra said, inclining her head with respect. "If you could please untie us, we could talk about what we came for."

"Oh no, I'm not untying you," he laughed. "The only reason I haven't killed you yet is that you seem important, and our clan is tired of unnecessary fighting."

"Okay," Shyra said, casting a worried look at Hira, who was still unconscious. "I'll start with introductions. I am Empress Shyra of the Pranali that you're currently residing in-"

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