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"Get in quickly," Shyra whispered, gesturing over her shoulder. The others crouched behind her, the masks over their faces obstructing their heavy breathing. "Is Naor causing his distraction yet?"

"Oh yeah he is," Arina said with a smirk. "He and his garud are causing quite the trouble in the docks. I think all the guards would have gone to deal with it."

"Perfect," Shyra said. "Let's get on then."

She pressed a button on the side of the ship and gave a voice command. Thanks to Fitoor's interference, her voice was temporarily registered as valid in the system. The gangplank whirred open with minimal noise, and Shyra looked around one last time before dashing up the metal slope with Hira and Arina at her heels.

She was left to deal with any guards straying back to the ship, while Arina and Hira ran to the cockpit to get the spaceship started. Shyra waited impatiently at the entrance with her sword gripped in her hand. She could hear the skirmishes going on outside, but she didn't dare join the fight and help Naor.

A low hum pulled her from her thoughts, and to her immense relief, all the lights around her flared to life. She could hear the wings expand and retract alternatively as they spread in the open air.

"Shyra! We're taking off now!" Arina called as they began the complicated procedures for lift off. Shyra had been surprised when Hira informed her that she knew how to pilot the ship. An empress learning that was questionable, but at that moment Shyra had been so happy, she just hugged Hira and put her in charge of the ship.

She now ran to the control room to join Arina and Hira, from where she could see that they were hovering in the air. Shyra bit her lip when she saw that the guards were beginning to take notice of their lone ship taking off.

"BC Malta," a voice said over the speakers, making all of them jump. "Are you taking off? On what grounds and authority?"

Hira picked up the microphone with trembling hands and held it to her mouth. For a terrifying moment, no words came from her. "We are taking off for patrol," she answered. "We have the tenth shift for today that begins at 1700 hours. I apologize for the slight delay due to the commotion in the docks."

For yet another terrifying moment, the command center remained quiet as they pondered on her answer. The voice crackled over the speakers again.

"Incorrect. There were no partols today, and plus, this is a military ship, not a patrol ship. Raiders, stay where you are. Do not attempt to escape. If you don't, your sentence may be reduced. If you do, you face the full consequences."

Arina and Hira breathed shakily as they stared at Shyra, waiting for answers from her. She bit her lip and stared at the microphone. She knew that there was no turning back. As royals, they wouldn't get large punishments. But then they wouldn't be able to continue their mission.

"Ladies, do you trust me?" she asked. Arina groaned and shook her head in the beginning. But when Shyra glared at her, she huffed at her and nodded.

"Goodness, yes, I trust you. Now get us out of this."

Shyra nodded and gestured to the controls. "Then let's run away with this. I'll deal with them while you guys can take care of where we are going. There's no way we're surrendering now."

Hira stared into her eyes for a kshana, then nodded and turned to the control panel. Her fingers flew over the various gleaming buttons as they were propelled forward and headed toward an Asteroid Path.

Meanwhile, Shyra picked up the microphone and enabled it. "Listen, whoever is in control right now. I'm very sorry, but this is a life or death situation. I am sincerely sorry for causing all this trouble, but I can't turn back now. If you can, please don't chase after us and add to our problems. Thank you. Over and out."

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