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"Two more ghantas and we'll be there," Hira said, stepping into the strategy room. "Arawn's armies won't be able to sense us until we get really close. Maybe when we're a few nimishams away."

"And it's not possible to remain hidden until the last minute?" Arina checked.

"Nahin. Our inbuilt deflectors may be strong, but Arawn is light years ahead of us in terms of technology. That is the best we can do."

"And what about our required clearances?" Naor asked. "Can we just land our battleships in the enemy dockyard without their permission?"

Hira pursed her lips. "Landing will be quite tricky. There's no use in asking for clearance in advance, since they won't allow us anyways. The best we can do is hover over their docks and demand a landing, and fire at them until they agree."

"That sounds fun!" Arina and Tara exclaimed with matching gleeful expressions, causing everyone to chuckle.

"For everyone's sake, I hope it doesn't get to that," Shyra said. "There's nothing we can do in advance about the landing. We'll just have to wing it. For now, it's more important to focus on our plan. Everything we've been working towards has led to this moment. There must be no mistakes from our side."

"Yes, Captain," they chorused, raising their hands to their foreheads in a salute that made Shyra feel strangely emotional. Maasas of planning had led to this crucial chapter in their lives. She could only hope all of them survived and were able to rescue their loved ones.

"We've already gone through everything possible. Are there any last minute ideas of getting information about Arawn's Rajmahal?"

"Nahin. There is virtually no information about his mahal. I wouldn't expect anything now. That thing must have been a crucial factor in keeping his khandaan safe. There is no way he would risk any information on it getting leaked."

"So our best hope hinges on quite the unexpected people," she muttered, staring at the notes Shivin had compiled.

"No, Captain. Our best hope is ourselves," Naor said, causing everyone to look at him. "We all came on this mission and put ourselves at stake without expecting anyone else to take the hit for us. Whether or not they help us, we will fight next to each other to the end."

Shyra nodded, a strange lump in her throat. Just a few maasas ago, she'd entreated people who were supposed to be by her side no matter what, and everyone had turned their backs on her. Now, looking at all the brave people standing around her, ready to lay their lives for a cause they believed, it made her feel prouder than she could ever express.

"I don't know if I've said this before, but you'll make a great leader, Naor," she smiled. He returned it with a shy smile of his own and inclined his head.

"Alright, let's get all the emotions behind us and get ready for war," Arina said, clapping her hands together with a wicked look in her eye. Shyra felt her heart race in anticipation as she nodded and clapped her hands once, dismissing everyone to their rooms to prepare.

Knowing it was possibly her last time in the crew's quarters, Shyra took her time in wearing her battle clothes and outfitting her armor, strapping her weapons in various hidden nooks of her outfit, and admiring herself in the mirror one last time.

"I'm ready, Mahi. And I'm coming for you. This time, I won't let you go so easily." she said to herself and uttered a silent prayer to the Cosmos before heading to the pilot's cabin.

Everyone was gathered there, crowding around Hira as she sent a message to request docking permission. Everyone held their breaths as the siren went through, probably sounding across their control rooms, and hopefully causing panic.

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