Chapter 36

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~Kian's POV~

Trevor pissed me off with this Emily girl. He should've treated Lauren so much better that he did. I know I would have.

Sometimes I get this feeling in my stomach around Lauren and it scares me because I don't want to like her. I could do some dumb shit and ask her out like really badly. That wouldn't be smart.

I walk back up to my room and out my music on full blast so maybe I can stop thinking about her. The first song that comes on is Aftertaste by Shawn Mendes because who doesn't like that song. As I sing as loud and sound like a dying horse I notice the music stop and I turn around to see Lauren dying of laughter. I turned bright red.

"How much did you see?"

"I'm not saying." She ran away laughing more and I began to chase her around. I catch her as she opens the back door and throw her over my shoulder. She stops laughing and starts kicking.

"Kiki stop! if you throw me in this pool I'll kill you!" Lauren yelled.

"Good idea." Except I won't throw her.

I go to the edge of the pool as I hear her yell I jump in. My arm remains around her waist until we come back up just in case.

When our heads came out of the water she started slapping my shoulder which made me laugh.

"Lawley, why the hell did you do that!?"

"Because I can, and you watched me dance around my room to Shawn Mendes." She began laughing at I'm guessing the thought of that.

"It's not funny." I said in between her laughs.

She turned her head and we made eye contact, she has really pretty eyes, a perfect smile, a beautiful everything. Shit Kian stop.

We got out of the pool and dried off then went inside.

"Can you guys keep it down?" Trevor asked rudely. I was going to say something but Lauren went first.

"Um you can be in a pissy mood but don't be mad at me for your dumb mistake of kissing another girl." I couldn't have said it better myself.

Trevor looked at us, rolled his eyes, and went upstairs. Gah he is being a bitch.

Lauren and I looked at each other and just shrugged our shoulders.


Hey you guys, I missed this story!❤️

I'll try to update more this summer, more drama is happening!

I'm in a great mood😊

Love you guys, bye✌🏼

Best Mistakes ~ a Trevor Moran/Shawn Mendes/Taylor Caniff fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now