Authors note

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Hello! I'm the author :)) !

So this book I'm gonna be working on slowly... only due to my school work and everything else. I'm still gonna be working on writing everything but generally it's gonna take a bit to write everything.

A few rules for requests !

1) I will not do characters x other characters since it's a x reader

2) I won't do any chapters with othro unless it's a idia chapter as a little bro or a close friend since your friends with idia

3) I don't mind doing smut but generally I will keep it mild or do a cut off if I don't honestly feel like writing a smut and for that I'll use the a lemon and cloud emoji like this : ☁️🍋

4) please be specific if you want something in the chapter 😅 , I'm not super creative right away when thinking about what to make unless I'm really excited to make said chapter

5) I'm not doing any rape or incest chapters... if you even ask or suggest it I will block you. Cause that's fucking disgusting and nothing with killing , I might do some with nature death or someone dying from another way but like nothing brutal. No serial killers or anything

6) Im not doing any poly things , maybe a love triangle , or love rivalry if you know what I mean so like if I put Malleus x Reader x Leona it'll be a rivalry or you'll like both characters but choose one -

Please respect these rules and feel free to suggest chapters! Or give me some ideas for a chapter if you don't have a character in mind


Riddle - 🥀
Trey - ♣️
Carter- ♥️
Ace- ♦️
Deuce- ♠️


Leona- 🦁💛
Ruggie - 🐱💛
Jack- 🐺💛


Azul- 🐙🤍
Jade- 🍄🤍
Floyd- ⚡️🤍


Kalim Al-Asim - 🌊♥️
Jamil - 🧞‍♀️♥️


Vil- 💜👑
Rook- 🏹💜
Epel- 🍎💜


Idia - 💙🎮


Malleus - 🐉💚
Lilia - 🧛‍♀️💚
Silver-  💤💚
Sebek- 📢💚