Cupid's Arrow 💘

247 4 47


Rook Hunt x GN! Reader

Authors note: Hello Everyone!
It's been a while 😍

ALL BECAUSE I GOT A JOB 😭 so sorry... I'll be trying to keep up with... well everything 🤭

Interestingly enough, Valentine's Day existed in Twisted Wonderland

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Interestingly enough, Valentine's Day existed in Twisted Wonderland.

The day you dreaded every year. Not that it was a horrible holiday in general, but it was the couples that made it so unbearable. Years of being single wasn't easy, especially when seeing all the couples being... Well, couples.

Of course, that was till you met the man you are in with.

Rook Hunt.


Valentine's Day was just around the corner, and you found yourself scrolling through your phone for gift ideas. It was your first Valentine's Day with a significant other, and you wanted to make it unforgettable. You wanted to go above and beyond what most couples did for each other.

You believed that your partner deserved the best, as he was the perfect boyfriend in your eyes. However, the only issue was that he tended to stalk not just you, but others as well.

While browsing on Magicam, you came across various cute couple pictures and gift ideas, which gave you inspiration for your special gift.

A poem, it's something simple and comes straight from the heart. It was a daunting task to write a heartfelt letter when you have no idea where to start. There are so many things to say. It was difficult to choose just one topic to write about, as there were so many possibilities to explore within the given page limit.

A small sigh escaped from you as you hung your head low. Rook was great at writing poems, you knew this because of the several poems he's written for you. The way he had with words was undeniably heart-stopping. How could you even

Is there anything this man couldn't do?

Just as you were about to give up a familiar voice was heard from behind you. "Hm? Prefect?"

You turned your head and saw Riddle. There the short male stood, with his hair perfectly styled as usual. His uniform clean and crisp, with his sharp eyes staring down at you. You smiled softly and tipped your head toward him. "Good evening Riddle. What brings you here?" You asked. He huffed and let his arms rest at his sides now.

"I was on my way to see Trey, but I can not find him." He grumbled. A small smile poked at your lips as you raised a brow.

"Oh? What were you two planning on doing?"

He went quiet and his face became a bit flushed. He utters, "He was going to teach me how to properly make tarts."

Your hand flew to your mouth smacking it over your lips to hold back your cackle. Riddle frowned and felt his face become more red out of embarrassment.*