Tall Tales 📖

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Lilia Vanrouge x GN! Reader

Authors Note: This story does contain slightly graphic violence! (It's generally about Lilia's past.

Also, some background information if you do not know what a TALL TALE is, by definition a Tall Tale is an account that is fanciful and difficult to believe.
"speakers delighted the audience with true stories and tall tales"

So yeah, have fun reading about an old bat who wants to tell you stories and flirt with you 😇

WARNING!: This also does contain slight spoilers from BOOK 7!! Please be advised to skip this chapter if you do not wish to be spoiled.

"And that's how I defeated my enemies with such ease!"

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"And that's how I defeated my enemies with such ease!"

"I don't think how it went, Father.." Silver stated as he was slumped into the couch in the Diasmonia lounge. You could only laugh and use your hand to attempt to hide the fact you were laughing. Lilia brushed off his son's comment and shifted his attention towards you.

"Don't believe me hm?" He asked while he held his chin between his two fingers. The old fae simply smirked and leaned towards you. "And why is it that you think I'd come up with such a story?" He now asked with a mischievous smirk. This man was something, wasn't he? You roll your eyes with a slight half-hearted laugh cross your arms and look away.

"Well, it's obvious you are exaggerating some parts of your story." You stated.

"Oh? Do tell."

"First off, there is no way that you fought one-on-one with as you stated... 'Ninety foot giant...' I mean we all know you aren't the tallest but come on.." You stated while once more looking at the pink-eyed fae. He simply laughed at your comment and placed his hands on his waist. "Well, you're aren't wrong. Maybe I was exaggerating slightly but it was close enough. Besides, even if I were to face off with a ninety-foot giant, I'd win with ease." He flaunted.

"Just as you are now? That's highly unlikely Lilia."

You turn your head and look over your shoulder. Behind you stood Malleus with a nonchalant expression on his face.

Lilia pouted slightly, like a child, and tilted his head to the side. "No need to pester an old man, Malleus," Lilia stated and turned to look away from him as if he were offended. Malleus simply chucked and walked around the couch, taking a seat next to you.

"Good evening, Malleus." You calmly stated.

"Good afternoon, Child of man," Malleus replied with a pleasant grin. Upon Malleus' entrance, a familiar obnoxiously loud voice echoed through the dorm lounge.


You wanted to facepalm. Was there a reason the first-year needed to yell? No. Did he do it anyway? Yes.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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