🌊☁️𝐶𝑢𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒𝑠☁️🌊 {𝐾𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑚 𝑥 𝑀.𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟}

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This was a suggestion made by: rurulywrote
I hope you enjoy this one shot! 🌸


It was 10 pm by the time you finished your history homework

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It was 10 pm by the time you finished your history homework.

A groan escapes your lips as you stare down at the piece of paper in front of you on your desk. You currently are working on your last piece of homework for Mr.Crewel's alchemy class. Even though you only had one more piece to go, you still had two more stacks of homework from different classes left.

You hold your head in frustration as you start to get lost deep in your thoughts.

Not only have you dealt with six different overblow's in seven months but, you've also had to deal with Crowley's expectations and tasks, which were either ridiculous or over the top. No matter what your friends have tried you've either ignored them or ditched them. Of course, you felt bad, but, if you ever felt behind in your education, you surely get in trouble or worse kicked out. There were expectations that you needed to meet if you wanted to stay. Nobody got that. And that just made you 10 times more frustrated.

The one good thing going for you wishes your boyfriend at the time. But even him you've been pushing away, just so you can get all this done.

There's been nights for if you've pulled all-nighters just to get your schoolwork done. Grim has been becoming more and more worried about you. So he decided to tell Kalim about it, your boyfriend. Upon hearing about your unhealthy habits, he decided that he would visit you to maybe make you feel better.

You continue to stare down at the paper as you start to lose all motivation to continue. Just getting lost in your dark thoughts. That was until you heard a light tapping at your window, which sat next to your desk. You turn your attention towards the noise and set up. As you set up your chair pushback, making a loud screeching sound. You didn't care all that much.

You walk over and put your hands on the curtains, which cover up the outside of your window. So will you pull the curtains back to look outside? You look and see defined your boyfriend, floating on his magic carpet. The white-haired male smiled as he saw you.

"Could you let me in Jewel?" He asked.

A sigh escaped your lips as you opened the window, allowing him to crawl through. The mail watch as you walked back to your desk sitting down to get back to your work.

"Why are you here Kalim?." You asked slightly annoyed.

The male slightly frowned as you just did your work while talking to him.

"I wanted to come see you!" He exclaimed trying to keep that happy smile on his face. He ran up and wrapped his arms around your shoulders pulling you into a tight hug. You gently push him away, breaking the hug.

"Kalim, I'm busy, go back to your dorm." You said coldly.

Kalim slightly gasped as you pushed him away, causing him to stumble back. "But, I came to see you.." he mumbled as he watched your stress continue to work.

He sighed and walked back up to you. " I don't know exactly what's going on with you. I've noticed that you've been very distant to not only me but to our friends." He said while looking at the ground. His words made you pause and listen.

" I can't help if you don't open up to me." He said and looked back at you.

At first, you were hesitant as he said this.

"I'm your partner.. and friend... you can trust me, Jewel." He said placing a hand on your shoulder.

Can you get out yet another site and look up at him into his ruby eyes. " if I'm being honest, I've been very stressed lately. Not only have I been having to keep up with school, but I've also had to deal with several different overblots over seven months. Not only that to make things worse, Crowley has set impossible expectations and such stupid tasks for me to complete. It's been so much and I can't handle it all. I fear if I even slack slightly, I'll start falling behind." You started to pour your heart out to your boyfriend, who sat on your bed and listened to what you had to say.

" you know you could've told somebody about this earlier, you should bottle up your feelings." Kalim said and pulled you into a tight hug. " if you want, I can get Jamil to help you. And if he won't help, I will. And I'm sure we can also talk to Crowley to see if he can lighten your workload." He said while rubbing your back as you sobbed into your boyfriends's colored sweater.

A soft smile played on his lips as he felt you start to hug him back.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I guess I just didn't wanna worry you with all my problems. I know that you are such a happy, go-lucky individual, and if I just expressed how I felt it would ruin your mood completely." You said while resting your head on your boyfriend's shoulder.

The male smiled more and looked you in the eyes. " you can never bother me if anything I want to know everything and anything I can about you!" He said with his usually chipper attitude.

" I know how hard it is to meet expectations, especially to people that are close to you. But you can't let those hold you back." He said while cupping your face. " how about you take a break, well, get some rest and tomorrow we can pick up on your schoolwork." He suggested.

At first, you were hesitant because you had so much left to get done. Although you couldn't help but want to accept his invitation.

" all right fine I'll take a break for now." You said and smiled.

Kalim beamed happily and pulled you onto the twin bed he gifted you a few months ago.

He gave it to you due to having such a small bed prior.

The male wrapped his arms around your torso and buried his face into your chest enjoying the warmth from your body. A small smile played on your lips as you brought the male into a tight embrace. It felt so nice to take a break.

The two lay together, cuddling while enjoying each other's company. It's been a long, stressful day for you. You weren't gonna turn down the one person who supported you the most.

A soft sigh escapes the both of you, as you slowly drift off into a deep sleep.


The next morning you both woke up to a pounding at your door and an angry Jamil. Let's just say, from now on, you went over to Scrabia when the two of you wanted to do anything together.
:)) Another one down! Thank you so much
again for the suggestion rurulywrote
Word count: 1199

Next up: Dormleaders x Reader!