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Rook Hunt

An interesting guy.

At least that's what you thought.

Ever since VDC, Rook has been attached to you like a lost puppy. He was stuck to your hip. You'd always find him following you around or popping up in places you were going or planning to be at. Not that you minded though.

He was a flattering character overall. Always complimenting you and showering you with small affections. Though you never knew why, nor did you question.

One evening, you finally finished your last class, which was with Mr. Crewel. At times he could be brutal. You started to walk back to Ramshackle with grim in your arms.

Grim was rambling on and on about how Mr. Crewel was such a jerk for all the homework he assigned him for making a mess of his other project. Not like he would do it though...

You let out a sigh of exhaustion as you put Grim down and reached for the door nob.

When suddenly...

An arrow came flying right next to your head about eye level. Your eyes widened as you paused for a good minute or two. You knew who shot it. It was so obvious, yet it still scared the shit out of you.

You look at the arrow to see it has a rolled-up note on the side of it. Slowly you untied the string which kept the paper attached to the arrow.

Slowly you unrolled the piece of paper and read the contents.

Your eyes scanned over the paper to see it was a letter. It read...


Dear Belle Rose,

Bonjour my belle rose, It's been quite some time. You are still as lovely as always. My apologies for not being able to bring this to you in person, but I had some things to attend to so, I couldn't see you in person. I wanted to invite you to join me for a small outing. Please wear something elegant, though everything looks elegant on you ma dame, it'll be fitting for where I am taking you. Please meet me at the front of your dorm at 9 pm. Far well for now My Bella Rose,
                                              Rook Hunt


Reading this, made your heart flutter. Grim looked at you curiously as your face became a slight pink color.