🥀𝑇 𝑎 𝑟 𝑡 𝑠 🫖 // 𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑥 {𝑁𝐵} 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟🥀

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HELLO people, this is author Chan :)) hope you enjoy the first one shot of this book! I'll be working on my English and stuff more please don't mind any grammar or errors in this cause I'm not the best at this...... 🥶 might just get Grammarly....


—————————————————————————It's been about a year

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It's been about a year.

A year since you've appeared in this strange magic world.

Over time you've made many friends, such as Ace and Duece. As well as Epel, Jack, and Sebek. Your little group of freshmen. Speaking of freshmen, you check your phone as it makes a ring sound. A small bubble with Ace's name popped up on your screen.

Ace had sent you about seven texts in the last few minutes.

You swipe up and put your password into your phone. An upgrade from what Crowley gave you before Jamil overblotted. You read the text messages with a slight glare. Ace had somehow ended up, eating another one of Riddles's tarts and was being hunted down by Riddle. A groan escaped your lips as he pretty much begged to stay at your dorm.

You reluctantly agreed to allow him to hide out at your dorm for the time being till Riddle calmed down.

Ace stayed in one of the many spare rooms you had at the Ramshackle. The two of you talked inside the Ramshackle lounge for a bit about the whole incident.

"I swear bro! I didn't mean to eat them!" Ace yelled out while holding his head.

"Dude, how do you accidentally eat a tart? Especially when HIS NAME was on the tart!" You exclaimed throwing your hands in the air.

The ginger grumbled and leaned back. "I was too tired to read the label... I just needed a midnight snack.." He pouted slightly. "No need to get his panties in a twist.."

"To be fair, if you are my food, I'd be pretty pissed as well.." you chime in once more.

"Yea yea whatever," Ace grumbled out.

Speak of the devil, repeated aggressive knocks were heard at your door. Ace practically jumped 9 feet into the air and hid upstairs. "please!! Pretend I'm not here!" He whispered yelled to you and disappeared into the spare room. You sighed and got up to open the door.

Your hand wrapped around the doorknob and twisted it open to reveal the short read-headed housewarden.

"Good evening, prefect y/n." He said in a slightly impatient tone. Your eyes glanced at his face. It was red, and I mean red. The male crossed his arms and spoke up before you could reply. "Is he here?" He asked with a slight glare.

You pretty much froze in place from his cold stare. It didn't seem directed to you, yet you couldn't help but feel intimidated.

"No... Why do you ask?" You lied of course.

"He yet again ate my Tarts! They were special as well. For my afternoon tea." He grumbled and put his hands on his hips. That's when an idea popped into your head.

"Well. Trey is out of town correct? So .. since he's not here.. how about we make some new ones together?" You suggest.

The male looked at you with a surprised expression. He placed his chin between his thumb and index finger as if he were in deep thought. Riddles's face went slightly red as he imagined baking with you.

"Hmph. Fine," he stated then looked at you.

"Shall we go now?" He asked.

"Yup! Let's go!" You said and walked with him back to his dorm.


As you pulled your hair back, Riddle put a hand on his hip trying to read the recipe from Trey's bake book. His blue eyes narrowed a bit trying to take in all the instructions. It was just bringing back flashbacks when he made a tart for the first time for Ace as an apology. It made him cringe internally.

"Alright! Do we have all the ingredients?" You asked.

Riddle turned his attention toward you and slightly nodded. "Indeed, it says that we need to mix the dry ingredients first... so let's start with that.." He mumbled and grabbed the measuring cups nearby. He started to combine the dry ingredients as you combined the wet ingredients. Though Riddle struggled with keeping things nice and clean.

Riddle looked at you with a shocked expression. He accidentally knocked over the flower, causing it to fall on himself and the floor.

You smack your hand over your mouth, trying your best not to burst out laughing.

The male turned a bright red color out of embarrassment. Silently cursing himself he picked up the bag of flowers and started to clean up. You stopped what you were doing and went to help him.


After the small mess was cleaned up, you two got back to making the tarts.

After a few messes and some waiting, they were finally done!

You placed the cut-up fruit on top of each tart in a specific way and smiled.

"So? What do you think?" You asked Riddle with a proud smile.

He took in how cute you looked as you beamed at your two hard work paid off. "They look delicious... how about we try them.." he suggested and grabbed two forks.

You took the fork from his hand as he offered it to you and took a piece from one of the tarts.

Turning to face him you place the fork up to his lips. "Go on! Have a bite!" You said excitedly.

Riddle's face flushed once more as you offered to feed him. At first, he was hesitant, since this sight was so embarrassing. Yet found himself opening his mouth slightly so you could feed him.

You feed him the small piece of tart which has a few fruit slices on it.

Riddle slowly chewed the food taking in the taste. It was sweet yet perfectly balanced with a sour and citrus taste. His eyes light up a bit as he swallows the sweet treat and places a hand on his chin. "It's as good as it looks!" He said happily. A small smile appeared on his lips as he looked at you.

You couldn't lie.. it made your heart swoon.

"Thank you, y/n..." He stated softly as he stepped closer to you. His hand made its way to your shoulder, gasping it in his bare hand. "It made my day. honestly, I was so angry at that ginger-headed fool for eating my tart." He started with a sour expression, yet it softened as he once more looked into your eyes.

"All though. I find myself very happy... spending time with you and baking these sweet treats." He explained putting a hand over his heart.

"And... for some reason... I always find myself this way when we spend time together.." he mumbled to himself. You raised a brow.

"What was that?"

You didn't exactly hear what he said last.

"Oh, It's nothing." He answered quickly with a soft blush covering his cheeks.

Word count: 1178

Next up: Rook Hunt x Female Reader