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Azul Ashegrotto x GN! Reader

———Azul Ashegrotto x GN! Reader———

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Azul Ashengrotto

Quite the brilliant student! Starting his own business at school where many students would come to sit and either enjoy their time at the Monstro Lounge or fulfill their basic need of feeding themselves and/or having a drink.

The housewarden of Octavialle, also known as your lover.

The two of you had gotten together not long ago. Though you've already noticed the decreasing amount of time he's able to spend with you. Of course you knew it was because of the lounge and you also knew how important the lounge was to him. Weren't you important as well?

This seemed to bother you. No matter how much you shoved this bitter feeling to the side. What could you really do? Barge into his office and demand him to make time for you?

No, that was wrong! Completely and utterly distasteful.

For now you just, kept it all bottled up. Just yet another issue you had to keep to yourself, yes?


Azul knew that you had been feeling disappointed with not being able to spend as much time together as you wanted to. Though you should of known this from the start! He was a busy man, and no matter what he needed to stay ontop of thing. He couldn't just pause his whole life for you.

Though if he was being honest, he'd rather be spending his time in your arms rather then scribbling away at documents. Piles of documents which flodded his desk like the aftermath of a land slide.

His brows remained furrowed as his pen moved quickly across the pages of documents which had been on his desk. A small sigh escaped past his lips as he stopped and put his pen down. Staring down at his paper for a brief moment he started to ponder. Would it really be all that bad if he had decided to take a day off to spend it with you? Would it?

He has had Jade watch over the lounge prior to this day for several days at a time. What would one little day hurt?

Azul finally got up and took his coat off the back of his chair. Wrapping it around his shoulders, he then began to make his way out of the VIP room and toward the lounge itself.

There standing by the door was Jade. The teal haired twin who was way more sensible compared to Floyd. Azul took a look toward the heterochromic eel and cleared his throat, which caught Jades attention.

"Jade, I'd like a word with you, if you please."

Azul stated as his hands now rested on his cane. Jade raised a brow and put his hands behind his back in a resting position.

"My my, you don't often look as serious as you do now. Whatever can I do for you Azul?"

Jade asked with that mischievous smile. It was quite contagious between the two twins. It sent shivers down Azul's spine as memories of their younger years flooded his mind. Though he got a hold of himself quite quickly before he cleared his throat once more and spoke.