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Epel Felmier x GN! Reader

Looking back at the memories of SDC, a smile appeared on your face

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Looking back at the memories of SDC, a smile appeared on your face. Was it stressful? Yes. Did you want to perhaps hurt one or two people during this experience? Yes. Did many get hurt during said experience anyway? Also, yes.

Out of all of this chaos though, you befriended a certain purple-haired student.

Epel Felmier.

A student who didn't go unnoticed by the other students. Of course, how could he not? He was a part of Pomfiore. The dormitory represented beauty and elegance. It also didn't help that the first year looked like a female. Despite his feminine appearance, he was pretty tough. He held himself high, no matter what came his way.

You always admired this about it. Hell. You admired everything about him. He was tough, not just physically but also mentally. Something you struggled with daily to balance.

Life as Crowley's little errand runner (practically assistant headmage) wasn't easy. Everyone knew this. Everyone.

Always running around for the smallest things.

Epel felt bad for all that happened during his stay at Ramshackle. Especially after the fact your dormitory was destroyed after Idia's overblot.

You stayed at Pomefiore for the time being as a thank you for all your help, and well... because your residence was being renovated and fixed!

The one thing you couldn't stand was all the lecturing that came with staying at the dormitory. Vil scolding you for taking so little care of yourself! Don't worry you weren't the only one lectured. So was Grim!

You'd learn to take better care of yourself and put effort into your appearance while staying at Pomefiore.

You stayed in a glamorous guest room, it almost felt odd staying in such a luxurious room. Grim was soaking it all up besides being drilled into a strict self-care routine.


On your third night at Pomefiore, you came back from a long and exhausting day.

You had been running all over campus for your classes and Crowley. Yet again.

Not only that, you were once again lectured about not taking care of yourself and sticking to his strict routine while you stayed at Pomefiore. You were immediately sent upstairs to clean yourself up and get ready for bed.

A small sigh escaped you as Grim dragged himself to bed. He had no care in the world as he passed out in the large bed. You were almost jealous at how fast the little gremlin could fall asleep. Had Leona or Silver been rubbing off on him or something? Oh well, you'll never know.

You slumped into the bathroom, where you turned on the water and prepared for a shower.


Hot water ran down your back as you stayed sat in the bathtub/shower. Your eyes stare down at the ivory tub flooring.