Chapter I - New Job

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Life on the Boiling Isles is tough by default. Between the acid rain, demons and monsters running around, and magic, it's hectic. For anybody. But, even by Boiling Isles standards, I feel like my life got a little out of control these last few months.

My name is Y/n Y/l/n. I'm sixteen. I'm in the Emperor's Coven working as a scout. It's okay; stand around watching people on the street and make sure they do as their told. Keep my mask on so they can't tell I'm actually a kid and laugh in my face, yes it's happened, yes it sucks. Not that many people know about my age. You can't blame me for wanting to keep it a secret, and even if I didn't wanna keep it a secret, who would I tell? I don't have that many friends amongst my colleagues. And I'm fine with that.

One of the few people who know about my age is my boss, Emperor Belos, obviously. He was chill about it when he found out, never really brought it up again, and I honestly almost forgot he knew for a while.

Until he asked to see me personally, of course.

Kikimora pushed open the door and gestured me to go inside. She was Belos' right hand at the time. A small demon, with crimson skin and blue hair that looked suspiciously like a hand gripping her head. She wore a white robe that covered the bottom half of her face and went down to her knees.

Wordlessly, I entered the Emperor's throne room. Belos was stood infront of his throne at the top of a small flight of stairs, his back to me. At the bottom of the stairs looking at me was the Golden Gaurd, Belos' nephew. He wore an all white cloak and golden mask. In his hand was his staff.

I went to one knee. "You asked to see me, Emperor?"

"Yes." He turned and looked down at me. His whole figure was hidden under a white cloak, the Emperor's Coven sigil on the clasp. His face was hidden behind a huge golden mask, antlers going straight up from the top.

He looked down at the Golden Gaurd. "Golden Gaurd, this is your new permanent escort."

"What?!" Me and the Golden Gaurd said in unison.

"Emperor," He went on, "why-"

"After your little incident with the human yesterday, I thought it best you have someone watch after you." The Emperor explained in his usual, almost happy tone.


"Emperor." I stood and laughed nervously. "I don't understand."

"I'm sure the Golden Gaurd will explain." Belos waved vaguely at him and turned away. "Now then, run along, children."

"Emperor-" the Golden Gaurd started.

"Get out." He snapped over his shoulder.

We both flinched back. Grudgingly, we turned and walked out. I opened the door for the Golden Gaurd and he walked out wordlessly. I followed and closed the door behind us quietly. We stood outside the door and looked at eachother through our masks. The Golden Gaurd scoffed and walked away, muttering to himself.

I stared after him, stunned. A lot had happened in the last few moments that I had to process. Firstly, the Golden Gaurd had apparently had some 'incident' yesterday with a human. What that meant, I had no idea. Second, I was now his escort. Weather that was a promotion or a demotion, I also had no idea. But the Golden Gaurd sure wasn't happy about it. Lastly, Belos had called us children. Not child, what I would've expected, but children. Like we were both kids. None of it made sence.

Not knowing what else to do, I jogged after the Golden Gaurd.

"Do you have any idea what just happened?" I asked him.

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