Chapter V - Any Sport In A Storm

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In the days after what happened between me and Belos, life went on as usual. There was the Coven Day Parade, which was interesting, to say the least. Wild witches attacked the Parade and tried to kidnapp Kikimora and Raine Whispers, head of the bard coven. They failed though, thankfully. And then afterwards, Emperor Belos announced his plan for the Day of Unity.

"Thank you, everyone. Together we are perfecting the Coven System as the Titan intended. The Day of Unity will be in exactly one month, when the tide is at it's lowest and the moon obscures the sun. At that time, we will journey to the head of the Isles, and there, the worthy shall inherit a utopia free of wild magic. There is... one more thing I'd like to share with you. I've always hidden my face, out of fear, but because of your support, I can finally take off this mask."

And he did just that. The crowd gasped. My breath caught in my throat. I hadn't seen the Emperor's face since the day in the library. The sight of jt brought the memories back to me. The scars on my hand stung. I wondered what Hunter thought of it all.

"Thank you, Boiling Isles. Happy Coven Day, everyone!"

I was in Hunter's room, sat on the bed with him. I had started spending a lot of time in his room. We were in a comfortable silence, only talking when Flapjack landed on Hunter's shoulder and chirped.

Hunter's laughed. "Yeah. It dose look good as new."

I leaned over and looked over his shoulder. He had his cloak in his lap and was sewing the old Golden Gaurd symbol onto the back as well as patching up some old holes it had got during missions. The stitches were messy and uneven, he even used a plaster in one corner.

Hunter's held it up proudly and one the stitches came out.

"And I have no idea what I'm doing."

"It shows." I looked back at my own project. I held it up, it was a small golden cloak, barely half way down my back when I put it on. My stitches were... mediocre, at best, but I had a little experience sewing before and my old clothes were still in one piece. So I guessed it wad better than Hunter's.

"Mine must look good as new. It is."

"Remind me what it's for." Hunter said.

"My friend Steve told me about this random scout that's been trailing around the Golden Gaurd the other day. And their also noticing me skipping out on my shifts. Their gonna put two and two together." I put the cloak back in my lap and looked over at Hunter.

"And that be bad why...?" He asked awkwardly.

My brain short-circuited for a moment. "I thought you'd be embarrassed."

"Well, I guess. If they knew why you were following me." Hunter shrugged.

I shrugged back. "Either way I've been wanting to do this. I mean I'm the Golden Gaurd's escort, I should get my own uniform."

When I said his name I nudged Hunter and leaned against him. Hunter rolled his eyes, but I caught him smiling.

There was a knock on the door. I sat up and Hunter stood, walking over to the door. I grabbed my mask and put it on and draped my golden cape over my white one. I grabbed Flapjack and hid him under my cloak.

Once I was done Hunter opened the door. Outside, two huge gaurds were stood. One gave Hunter a letter and the two walked away. Hunter turned and read the letter.

"My duties are keeping me busy. I entrust you to lead the coven heads today. Consider this a test."

"That from the Emperor?" I asked, resting my chin on my fist.

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