Chapter XI - King's Tide

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The flight to the Head took way too long.
Everyone sat about trying to get some rest or keep themselves entertained, expect me and Hunter. We flew the ship. Or at least we tried to. Alador instead he do it. So me and Hunter hovered around him, being deliberately annoying and helping out.

"I know how to fly a ship." He said after a while.

"Could of fooled me." I muttered.

"Then fly faster!" Amity yelled. She was pacing the deck behind us. "We're bearly halfway there. Luz could be in trouble!"

"Maybe if I took the wheel," Hunter said.

"Very eager to return to Belos, eh, Golden Gaurd?" Alador said.

"To save our friend and the entire Boiling Isles!" I yelled.

"And at least I never built him an army!" Hunter yelled.

"Watch your tone with me, both of you!" Alador snapped, pointing at each of us in turn.

The ship lurched as he did, throwing us all about. I grabbed the wheel and steadied it.

"So fly us to the Head!" I said.

"I'm doing it!"

"Hey, here's a bright idea," Gus said, "don't distract the pilot." 

"He started it!" Hunter said as Gus walked over.

"I'm just trying to help." I said defensively. "I was already flying when you took the wheel!"

We all started yelling over and at eachother. Me, Hunter, Gus, Amity and Alador. The Palismen stopped us. The pushed a crate towards us and opened it up. Inside was filled to the brim with food. We hadn't eaten since we left to meet Luz in the woods, and since then we'd had about three physical fights.

"Look, we're all exaughted and terrified. Let's focus our energy on finding Luz instead of fighting eachother." Amity said.

We nodded and moved towards the food. We grabbed a loaf of fresh bread each and sat down to eat. Me, Hunter and Alador started taking shifts flying as the other two rested.

I was flying when it happened. The sun and moon was infront of us. The moon clipped past the edge of the sun, the eclipse was starting. I knew the others were watching, so I said nothing, just kept flying the ship.

Then I felt it. A slight, almost stinging sensation in my wrist. It was barely noticeable. I took my hands off the wheel and pulled my glove down. The Emperor's Coven sigil, marked permanently into my wrist was glowing yellow. The Draining Spell had begun.

I looked over my shoulder at Hunter and Alador, the only other two with coven sigils. They were also checking their wrists. We looked at eachother knowingly. I went back to steering.

We passed a massive Titan rib sticking out the ground and I could see the Head. There was a huge structure built, a tall pillar in the middle where the Coven Heads were waiting. Even from miles away, the glow of the millions of Coven sigils was visible. The golden glow seemed to be floating slowing upwards.

"Your ship has been reported stolen!" From behind another rib, another airship flew into view. I saw one scout and four abomatons on it. "Land immediately!"

Amity gave an annoyed sigh. "Mom."

Gus cast a spell and disguised us as a flock of crows. The scout wasn't convinced. The abomatons powered up their cannons.

"Hang on." I called over my shoulder. I pulled a few levers and gripped the wheel tightly.

"Wait!" Hunter said. He got on Flapjack and teleported away. I watched him tie up the scout in his own cloak and knock him down. Then a abomaton knocked him off Flapjack over the edge of the ship.

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