Chapter XII - Safe Here

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"NO! KING!" Lus yelled. She scrambled to her feet and ran towards the portal. Through it, King could be seen floating towards The Collector. The door slammed shut in her face. She grabbed the handle and threw it open. King was gone. The Demon Realm was gone. Instead was the interior of an abandoned house.

Luz tried the door a few more times, the other side didn't change. She turned and stared at us, eyes wide with too many emotions. On the ground, Gus started to cry.

I looked around in a daze. It was dark, night. We were in a forest, but the leaves on the trees were green. So was the grass. Infront of us was a abandoned house, broken roof and windows without glass, faded paint and exposed nails.

Then I noticed the rain. It was coming down quite heavily, but the drops were small, there was just a lot of them. Cold, small splashes against my face. I turned my face towards the sky, letting the rain hit me. It was a nice feeling, one I hadn't experienced before.

Slowly, all most all of us started crying. Gus was the first. Willow pulled him into a hug and started crying with him. Luz closed the door to the house and sank down it onto the floor, hugging her knees and breaking down. Amity went to her side.

"Belos is dead," Hunter said in voice little more than a whisper.

I looked down from the sky and at him. Maybe I was crying, looking back I can't be sure. Hunter had tears in the corners of his eyes. Wordlessly, we threw ourselves at eachother. We wrapped our arms around eachother tightly and held on.

I don't know how long we all stayed there, like I said I was in a daze. I felt so much it all just canceled out into nothing. I'm not entirely sure how, but we ended up moving. My hand was in Hunter's, and he had his other arm around Gus's shoulders. Luz was infront of us, leading us through the woods and down a pavement. She lead us up a garden path and walked up the front steps. She knocked on the door. When the woman who answered saw us she gasped.

"Hey, mom," Luz said. "I'm back."

Her mom threw her arms around her. Luz buried her face in her mom's shoulder and started crying again. This lasted about thirty seconds, then Luz's mom ushered us inside.

"Oh," she said, very confused and worried. "What happened to you all? Luz, I haven't heard from you in ages. And who are all your friends? Are you hurt?"

No one offered much of a response. We all avoided her eyes and muttered something incomprehensible.

I looked around the house. Across the hall, through the door into the living room, someone was watching us. She had light green skin, spotted with white along her jaw and stomach. A tuft of dark blue hair. Big blue eyes with yellow pupils.

I recognised the species instantly. Up until a few months ago, Belos was keep every one of them hostage for experimentation, until they all broke out. Remembering what I had done for the last years working for Belos made me feel sick with guilt.

"You have a basilisk in your living room." I said, confused.

"Huh?" Mrs. Noceda followed my gaze. "Oh. That's just Vee."

Vee slid out from behind the doorway and over to us. Instead of legs, all basilisks had a snake-like tail. She pushed herself along and stood beside Mrs. Noceda.

"Okay." She sighed, obviously trying to keep it together for our sake. "Clearly we all have a lot to tell eachother. Firstly, let have a look at those cuts. Then, you tell me everything."

And that's what happened. We sat around the kitchen table as Mrs. Noceda grabbed a first-aid kit and patched up our cuts. She told us about Vee, how she came to the Human Realm after escaping and took Luz's place while she was in the Boiling Isles. Then we told her about Belos and what happened, starting a month ago with the Coven Day Parade.

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