Chapter II - Eclipse Lake

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Two days later, Hunter came up with a plan. In that time, we had started to get to know eachother and were starting to tolerate the others presence. We had come to a decision that I wouldn't follow Hunter round the castle, and if he had another "incident" I had the right to one free slap.

He also told me what the original incident was. It was the day we first met, a little while after we took off our masks. We had discussed how we were both kids and explained how that happened, I kept my backstory vague. Hunter didn't push.

"So, do I get to know why we're stick together now?" I asked.

Hunter sighed. "Fine. Yesterday, I was sent on a mission to retrieve palismen for Emperor Belos,"

"Yeah I think I heard about that." I nodded. "You failed, didn't you?"

Hunter stammered. "Yeah. Okay, ouch."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, but you did."

"Yeah." He admitted. "That stupid human girl Luz got in the way. She comprised me and the entire mission. So it wasn't my fault! Right?"

"You really need friends."

We were getting on a little bit better now.

I yawned, putting my hand infront of my mouth dispite wearing my mask. It was late, I'd be excused from my duties and the nights watch would come out soon, I could wait. I leaned against the wall, staring up at the intricate ceiling.


I looked around and saw Hunter, across the hall peering around the corner. He waved me over frantically. I looked at my partner, leaning against their staff and snoring. I know, we're great at our jobs. Slowly and quietly, I stepped away before jogging over to Hunter. We hid around the corner.

"I have a plan," he said.

"Amazing. What for?"

"Basically, Belos needs this thing called Titan's blood. We're mining at the knee, looking for a place called Eclipse Lake. All we need to do is go there and get it. We give it to Belos, he sees I'm useful again, and boom! I can quit you!"

"Thanks." I said flatly.

"You know what I mean,"

"Yeah, I know." I said, reaching under my mask and rubbing the sleep out my eyes. "So, we do this, and Belos let's us ditch eachother?"

"Yeah, probably. I mean, he only put you with me because he thought I needed someone to look after me and watch me. So if I show him I can do things, he'll let us go. He has to."

"Hunter, did Belos tell you that, or..?"



"Okay, technically Belos told me to just stay in the castle for the time being. But-"

"Hunter! If Belos told you to stay in the castle that's what you do! I don't know if you get, like, special treatment cause you're the Golden Gaurd-"

"Trust me, I don't." Hunter said seriously, folding his arms.

"Then you know when Belos gets pissed, he gets seriously pissed. If we mess this up-"

"We won't. Trust me, I have a plan."

I sighed and leaned on my spear. "Okay. Fine. What do you need me to do?"

Hunter told me the plan and I nodded. That night, I snuck out of my bunk in the barracks and grabbed a spare scout uniform. I gave it to Hunter and ran back to my room. The next morning, we got on the wagon to the mines and took our positions.

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