Chapter VI - Sleepover

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I was back in the library. It was pitch black outside. I was reading by candle light. I had lost track of time while reading, but everything that happened with Darius and Hunter and Willow and the others was probably an hour or two ago. I was exhausted, but I couldn't sleep.

"So now you come back here."

I looked up from my book. Hunter was stood with his arms folded, leant against the bookshelf. He looked pissed.

"That's the petteist thing I've ever heard." I said.

"We established I'm petty." He said, walking over. He pulled up a chair and sat down beside me. I looked back at my book.

"Can we talk?" Hunter asked. I shrugged. He sighed and held his head in his hands, elbows resting on the table. "What did I even do?"

I sighed and closed my book. "It's not... it's just... ugh! You didn't do anything."

"Then why are you mad at me?!" He yelled.

"Because you did do something! Okay, Hunter? Earlier today, at Hexside,"

"What did I do at Hexside?" Hunter asked, confused slightly.

"It's just... the way you said it all. Like it was a good thing."

"Like what is a good thing?"

"Being in the Emperor's Coven." I said, resting my head in my hand.

"It is good!" Hunter said. "Why would you say that?"

"I know we're doing good. We're enforcing the Titan's will and all that. I know we're the good guys. But... doesn't mean things are good for us."

"How aren't things..?" Hunter trailed off, thinking. After a moment he looked worried, like he had an awful idea. I wondered what it was, but managed to stick with my point.

"There won't be any delay with branding you with coven sigils and taking you away from your friends and family forever. Hooray!" I said flatly, mimicking Hunter's voice.

"I do not sound like that." Hunter said, equally unenthusiastic.

I rolled my eyes. "You get the point. I know you don't get it, not really, you were raised here and Belos is your only family, I know that. But the rest of us, we had to give up everything to be here. And you said that like it was the best thing in the world."

Hunter looked down. "I'm sorry. I didn't think when I said that."

"I can tell." I sat up and leaned back in my chair. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?"

"Almost midnight." Hunter said.

I cursed, "I've been in here ages."

"Mmm." Hunter nodded. "The librarian told me to tell you to get out soon."

"She is a charmer." I said.

Hunter laughed tiredly and rested his head in his hand again. "We should probably go. We have to be up in six hours."

I groaned. "Enforcing my point." I picked up my book. "Just getting into this thing,"

Hunter took it from me and checked the cover. His eyes widened.

"This is the Palisman book I recommend you." He said.

"Yeah. So?"

Hunter shrugged and put it down. "I didn't think you were listening."

"Course I was. You're suprisingly interesting to listen to."

"What do you mean suprisingly?" He asked.

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