Being Brock

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Three weeks had passed since Beca ("Brock") started school at Illyria.

And it had been awful.

Beca had made the soccer team, but she was 2nd-string.
Therefore, she was spending any extra time practicing or working out.

The game against Cornwall was 3 months away.
She would play in that game.
And beat the shit out of them, personally.

Beca was also struggling socially at Illyria.

Her roommate, Jesse, thought she was weird as hell because he found her tampons.

Beca had quickly tried to cover it by saying she used them for nosebleeds.

Like an idiot, she shoved it right up her nose.

Jesse and his friends, Benji and Luke, wouldn't let Beca in.

The only way she knew how to connect with them was through soccer.
But she was currently 2nd-string.
They wouldn't take her seriously until she had proven her skill.

Beca's only real friend was Chloe Beale.

Chloe was her lab partner in chemistry.
However, Beca was struggling to be around her.
Chloe was by far the most gorgeous girl Beca had ever met.

Chloe was like a little ball of pure sunshine.
She made Beca feel safe and happy and warm.
Which was confusing for her.

Beca had never felt like this with another girl.
And she wasn't entirely sure what to do with that information.

Chloe wasn't making it easy either.
She was a very touchy-feely person.
And she shamelessly flirted with Beca.

Beca had tried to steer Chloe off that direction in class one day.

"You're like one of the few guys who hasn't tried anything with me," Chloe laughed.

Beca shrugged innocently, "You're not my type."

Chloe's blue eyes faltered.

"Well...why not?"

That question immediately through Beca off.

She hadn't meant to hurt Chloe by saying that.
Just to protect her.
Beca already felt horrible about lying to her about who she was.

"Uh...we're friends ya know? You're one of the only people I feel safe with around here."

Chloe's smile returned by the end of that statement.

"I feel the same way about you," she almost whispered.

Fortunately, Stacie and Emily had come up with a plan to bump Beca's social standing at Illyria.

Beca also hoped it would make Chloe find her less...perfect.

Which is why she went all in on such douchey behavior.

On that weekend, Beca walked into the local restaurant, Caesario's.

She found Jesse, Benji, and Luke sitting in a booth.
They were all sprawled out; obviously hoping Beca would leave them alone.

As Beca was standing in front of their booth, Stacie walked in and gleefully announced, "Brock Mitchell!"

Beca turned and smirked at Stacie, who wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Hey, Stacie. What's up," Beca confidently asked.

Stacie pouted, "I miss you! Cornwall hasn't been the same without you."

Beca shrugged, "Sorry, honey."

Stacie pulled Beca closer.
She whispered into her ear, "I especially miss you at night...when I'm all alone..."

Beca smirked as she shifted her hand down to Stacie's ass.

"I'm sure you do. It is what it is."

Stacie frowned, "I know. If you ever...feel lonely you know who to call."

Stacie placed a long and slow kiss on Beca's cheek then sexily walked away.

Beca turned to find all of the boys absolutely shocked.

Luke stuttered, "You dated...her?"

Beca shrugged, "For a bit, yeah."

Then Beca was met from the opposite direction by Emily.

Emily excitedly said, "Brock! Oh my god, hi!"

Beca winked at the boys before pulling Emily into a tight hug.

"How have you been, Em?"

"I've really been working on myself broke up," Emily said as she traced her finger along the neck of Beca's t-shirt.

Beca smiled, "That's good to hear, Em. Really."

Emily nodded, "Maybe we could give it another go...sometime."

Beca shrugged, "Maybe."

Emily smiled as she quickly pecked Beca's cheek.

"I hope so, Brock. You really are a," Emily whispered before walking away.

Jesse shockingly asked, " dated both of them?"

Beca shrugged, "Well yeah."

Luke quickly scooted over and pulled Beca down next to him.

"How did you bag that sex...kitten and the girl next door?"

Beca internally cringed at his descriptions of her best friends.

"I don't know, dude. I've just got game."

After that afternoon, Beca was successfully a member of their group.

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