What Am I Missing? (Chloe POV)

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Chloe had noticed a change in Brock's entire demeanor and attitude since earning a starting position.

He seemed lighter. Happier.
Which made Chloe happy for him.

He also seemed to be more at ease around her.
Like some kind of stress or tension had been lifted off of him.

Chloe didn't have to come up with crazy excuses to get Brock alone anymore.

He seemed more open to the possibilities between them.
Possibly of an "us" between them.

He had kissed her the other day.
Well it was on the cheek.
But still...it was the closest thing to anything physical  between them since the "almost" kiss.

Currently, they were studying for a chemistry exam in the library.

"Can we take a break? My brain hurts," Brock pouted .

Chloe grinned, "I suppose you slacker."

"How dare you, Beale! I'm in the library. Slackers would never," Brock laughed.

"Touché. So...excited for Friday? Big game."

Brock's eyes practically lit up at the mention of soccer, which Chloe adored.

"Hell yes. I just hope I don't screw this whole thing up."

Chloe reached across the table to grasp his hand.

"You won't. You've worked so hard for this. I know you'll be great, B."

Brock gave her a lopsided grin.

That fucking smile, Chloe thought.

"Apparently, there's gonna be a party if we win...will you be there," he shyly asked.

Chloe shrugged, "I might make an appearance."

Brock frowned, "Oh...okay."

"Joking, B. Of course I'll be there," Chloe giggled.

Brock sighed, "Don't break my lil heart like that, Beale."

Eventually, the two went back to studying per Chloe's instruction.

Their silence was interrupted by the vibrating of Brock's phone, which laid between the two.

Chloe didn't mean to look, but she did.

The name "Stacie" was flashing across the screen.
Accompanied by her picture.
Which identified her as one of the girls from Caesario's.

Brock's ex-girlfriend was calling him.
And it wasn't the "girl next door" type.
It was the one who had been pawing at him.

Brock's eyes widen as he quickly hit decline.
His eyes then shifted to Chloe's.
Who quickly darted her wandering eyes back down to her textbook.

What the fuck...

Was he still sleeping with her?
Is that why he wouldn't try anything with Chloe?
Why would he if he was getting "some" from someone else?

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