Meeting Midoryia (part 2)

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"Ok, Deku, you understand what to do, right?" Mirko asked.

"Don't kill you but get you as close to death as much as I can," Midoryia listed.

"Is that really what they told him?" Romeo asked.

"It's to see how well he can hold back," All Might answered.

Midoryia stood in the middle of the arena while Mirko, Midnight, Ectoplasm, Cementoss, and Gunhead stood on the edges around him.

The pros looked up to All Might, who nodded, signaling them to start.

Mirko started running around him, keeping her distance.

"What's she doing?" Anna wondered.

"Mirko's quirk is rabbit. It allows her to keep silent while running like a rabbit," Mina explained.

Mirko started changing her pattern from a circle to what Midoryia had to figure out without sight.

Jiro extended her earphone jack to reach the floor of the arena. When she inserted it into the ground, she could hear Mirko's footsteps.

"She's not just running. She's doing little micro jumps," She said.

"Most likely to through off young Midoryia."

Midoryia didn't move from his spot, but he moved around to face where he thought he heard Mirko, then started analyzing what he could get from small pebbles barely moving.

"She was going in a counterclockwise circle but changed after I understood her motion. What is she doing now? Bottom right corner. A little bit above my left. My right. The bottom left corner in front of me. She's going to the bottom right, no. She changed. Left. Behind. In front. Left. Right. Behind. It's a different pattern but the same shape. A star."

Mirko continued her erratic movements, but after Midoryia knew how she was moving, he knew how to counter her.

"She changed again. She's doing the first but backward. In front of me. Bottom left corner. My right. My left. Bottom right corner. In front of me. Bottom left corner. My right. My left. Bottom right corner. In front of me. Bottom left corner. My right. My left. Bottom right corner. In front of me. Bottom left corner. My right. My left. Bottom right corner. THERE!"

Midoryia moved so fast that Mirko didn't even see it happen. He got in front of her, and before she could attack him, Midoryia kicked her in the middle of her torso, sending her flying into the seats above.

"Holy shiii- wow!" Bryce said in shock.

"I'm good! I'm gonna take a break. You guys have fun," she said as she got carried off my little robots.

"I didn't even see him move!" Anna said. 

"I didn't hear anything."
"He's getting smarter. We just need to know if that's good or bad."

Cementoss bent down onto one knee and placed his hands flat on the ground. Midoryia heard cracks from behind him.

"He's raising the ground."

Cementoss sent up a pillar, but a second before he did Midoryia jumped onto it, rising into the sky with it.

As Midoryia was lowered to the ground he sensed something around him, and he started getting fuzzy-headed.


Midnight had released a concentrated amount of her sleeping mist. It wasn't a lot, but due to Midoryia unable to use sight, she hoped it would disorientate him to make him think it was everywhere.

Midoryia held his shirt over his face and tried to hold his breath as much as possible.

Midnight slowly walked into the pink cloud wanting to surprise the boy.

"You don't know where I am, do you?" She said.

"If you think you know, come get me," she said tauntingly.

Out of the corner of her eye, Midnight saw a green flash move quickly from her side to behind her.

"You tracked down Mirko well kid, but in here you won't last long," she told him.

Midnight took her whip from her waistband, ready to fight.

Midoryia stayed low to the ground, trying to stay below her quirk. When she turned around Midoryia went up to attack. She was ready for him but what she saw broke her concentration, "a mask?!" Midoryia appeared to have a green mask that looked like slime covering his mouth and nose.

""How do we see in?""


A bloodcurdling scream was heard from inside the mist.

"That was Midnight!"

When the pink cloud dissipated, they saw Midoryia looking like he was about to kill her.


Aizawa used his scarves to pull his student to the ground. He and Cementoss ran over to hold him down; when they got to him the mask was gone, and tears were dripping under the blindfold.

"I can't see! I can't see! I can't see!" Midoryia repeated in a sobbing voice.

"It's ok, we're getting it off, we're getting it off," Grand Torino said as he unlocked it.

When he took the blindfold off Midoryia's eyes had green slime on them. They were burned and bleeding.

"I can't see. I can't see. I can't see," he whimpered.

All Might and the students ran down the stairs to enter the arena.

Todoroki, Bakugo, and Uraraka ran in after hearing Midnight's scream.

"Oh my god!" Uraraka said in shock after seeing her friend's bleeding face.

"What happened?!" Romeo asked in a panic.

"Call an ambulance. Tell them to come to the school. We're going to take him to Recovery Girl."
"Right, I'm on it."

Bakugo saw Midnight sitting on the ground who was being cared for by Ectoplasm. He walked over and saw green slime on his teacher's arm.

"Let me see," he said as he took a pencil from his pocket.

Bakugo kneeled down and scraped off some of the slimes from Midnight's arm; it burnt through the pencil setting it on fire. He threw it down and stepped on it to put it out.

"Not possible," he said as he looked down at the burnt pencil.

"What? Do you know what that stuff is?" Midnight asked.

"Maybe, and if I do, then that stuff might be why quirks exist today."

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