Off To America

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"Pix has One For All?" Izuku said as he looked at where the voice came from.

"We went over everything we could to find an explanation, and nothing came up. She never met All For One or anyone from the league; she's never met a pro either," Bakugo explained.

"How do you know?"
"Endeavor got the report he was told there was a girl in America going around killing people with a power and asked him for help stopping her?"

"How do you know it's Pix?" Izuku asked as he stood up.

"She's not a killer. She never wanted to hurt anyone. HOW DO YOU KNOW ITS HER?!"

Izuku pinned Bakugo against the wall holding his forearm against his friend's throat. Inko got up to pull him away, but Bakugo motioned to the mother for her to leave it be and back away.

"A few of the killings were caught on security cameras. Her teachers and friends have identified that it is Pix," Bakugo told his enraged friend.

"We both know she wouldn't kill anyone, quirk or not. You know that Kacchan, we grew up with her. She doesn't kill!"
"She will because she was told."

Izuku backed off of Bakugo and sat back on the bed.

"Robin," Inko said.

"What are they going to do?"
"Mr. Aizawa offered to take me with him and Endeavor to fly over and pick her up."
"They're bringing her here?"
"They want her to meet All Might. They were going to bring All Might to her, but because of what she's done, Pix would be sentenced to death, so they decided to throw her away and give her to number one."

Inko helped her son to lay back on the bed, hoping he would calm down.

"I'm not able to leave the hospital yet, let alone travel overseas," Izuku said.

"Katsuki, you should stay with Izuku and keep going to school. I can go with Shota and bring Pix back," Inko said as she stood up.


Izuku grabbed his mother's arm, stopping her from leaving.

"You're her aunt, but Kacchan should go. The state she's most likely in is untrustworthy, and fear she won't go unless she sees my face or his. She doesn't know who Mr. Aizawa is, and she's afraid of Endeavor Kacchan needs to go."

Bakugo bowed to Inko and left.

The next day Bakugo and Aizawa met Endeavor at the airport. As they walked up, Hawks landed next to number one, who was standing in front of a privet plane.

"Why's feathers here?" Bakugo asked.

"If she runs, he'll be the one to catch her," Endeavor told him.

Hawks and Endeavor boarded the plane.

Bakugo was angry, but Aizawa put his hand on his student's shoulder and said, "they won't hurt her." Then they both boarded.

While Bakugo was flying off to America, Izuku could visit his friends in the dorms.

Togata walked into the 1A dorm with Izuku in front of him.

"Heyo!" Togata said, waving at everyone.

"Midoryia, you're up!"
"You look better!"

"Hi, everybody; sorry for worrying you all," he told them.

"The top half of your face looks like a mummy," Mineta joked.

Tsu used her tongue to slap Mineta and threw him onto the couch behind them.

"The bandages come off the day after tomorrow, then I have to wear some dark sunglasses," he explained.

"Was it hard walking here?" Sero asked.

"My mom was leading me through the hospital, but she was really nervous I would trip, so it was a little stressful, but Togata helped me get here, and that was easier!"
"Good job Togata!"

Uraraka took Izuku's hand and guided him to the couches.

"Hey, Midoryia Bakugo told us about Pix. Is it true you know two know her," Sato asked, not trying to sound like he was prying.

"Pix is my cousin; her mother is my mom's sister."
"Why didn't you tell us about her? Bakugo seems to like her!"
"She would come to visit me when we were younger Kacchan sees her as his little cousin too. The last time we saw her was four years before we started UA; we started sending letters back and forth, but I stopped after the entrance exams. Kacchan and I were the only filters between her and her father, and now he retook control."

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