The Bones

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Alan traveled all over, going anywhere he could reach. Anyone he or his friends encountered would be their next victim and join their pack.

Word got around about Alan, so once he was finished with the places he could reach in America, he decided to go to another country, but he and his friends were soon stopped by brave souls that wanted to protect their families from the monsters and their leader.

Alan had never encountered people who could kill his friends, so creating a healing power never crossed his mind until it was too late.

Alan fled back to America but was followed by those of other countries wanting to end him for good.

He went back to where it all started. He went back home.

Alan had fled to the cave where he found his treasure before hoping there was more. He had divided up his power to make his friends, so Alan himself had none left. While he was looking there was an explosion and hun fire, he ran back to the cave entrance only to see that the ones after him trapped him.

Many, many years later, in modern day, geologists were digging where that cave was and found Alan's remains, and when they looked closer, they found a knuckle bone in his pinky was green.

"What do you think? Radiation?"
"If it were, we would already be dead, plus it's only affecting one bone."

The green bone was passed around to high-ranking scientists, radiologists, cancer teams, and much more, but none came out with any information until the remains of a few of Alan's friends were found off the coast of Tokyo, Japan.

A few officials in Japan knew about the green bone found in America, so they asked if they could have the bone flown out to them with a scientist that inspected it.

"Knock knock Mandy Japan wants the green finger. You wanna fly out?"

A crash was heard from outside the door the man knocked on, so he ran in.


The scientist was seizing and foaming at the mouth, rolling in pure agony on the floor. Before approaching the poor woman, he saw she had cut open the bone to inspect it more. The man pulled a handle causing an alarm to scream through the entire building and surrounding areas in case it was airborne.

After things calmed down, America's president decided whatever it was, was too dangerous. He ordered the bone to be locked away in a secure place no one would go; he decided it would be too risky to destroy it.

The Tokyo team with the remains of the friends was different. Those remains all had multiple bones that were green. The scientists did the same they cut them open and suffered the same death as Mandy, but they decided that they were going to destroy the bones.

They melted, shattered, and dissolved everything that came in contact, including the doctors who were killed. But no one knew that while burning the bodies, one man had actually come in contact with one of the bones, but he did not react, so he never knew until nine months later when his wife gave birth to a child who radiated light.

The man and his child were immediately tested to see if the bones caused it.

"You and your baby show the same chemicals the bones did, but neither show signs of death."
"What does that mean?"
"I'm not sure."

The ones who destroyed the bones were not careful when they did. Fumes and fragments of the bones found their way into people's water, food, and ac, so weeks later, after that glowing child was born, people reported that they had gotten some sort of mutation on their bodies or some kind of unbelievable ability. Everyone assumed it was some sickness, Japan was quarantined from the world, but other countries started to get the same illness, except for America.

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