The Past

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A group with almost 40 men carrying pickaxes were walking into a mine a few discovered a few days before.

They split up into three groups, one to mine the gold they found, one to push mine carts, and the last to make marks of where to dig.

While one man was mining, he saw a purple glow behind him. When he turned around, he saw the light and dug around it. As the dirt and rocks fell, it revealed a large purple stone.

"What... is this?"

When he picked it up, he felt a tremendous feeling of what he could only explain as "power."

He walked past the other men with the rock in hand, staring intensely at it.

"Hey, Alan, what's that?"

One said as he walked to his friend. The man went to touch the rock Alan was holding, Alan lightly pushed the man away, but even though he just touched him, he sent the man into the wall of rock so intensely that his body exploded it looked like when someone fell from a great height, but all he did was fly back twenty feet. Something was wrong with Alan.

That night, while Alan was sleeping, his wife, used a towel to pick up the rock and left the house.

"Here, Joseph."
"Thank you, Marylin."

The other miners had told Marylin about what happened and what her husband had done and to not touch the rock with bare hands.

"What are you going to do with it?" Marylin asked.

"I'm not sure yet, but all I can think of is to get rid of it," Joseph answered.

The two put the rock in a bag and rode their horses away from the town as far as they could with a wagon of supplies tied to the horses.

When they got far enough, they stopped and tied the horses.

Joseph made a fire and put a pot on it. He poured a thick substance inside and put the rock in.

"What are you hoping happens?"
"What I poured in was some alcohol and salt and a few other things. I accidentally poured some whisky on stuff, and it turned the whisky into some acid. I'm hoping it breaks down the rock and destroys it."

The rock started cracking and breaking down just like they wanted, but behind them, a voice said, "you're just helping me," they quickly turned around.

"ALAN!" Marylin shouted.

"You don't have a horse. How the hell did you get here?!" Joseph said quickly.

Alan was in front of the two one second, and then without moving, he appeared behind them next to the pot.

"What the hell is going on with you, Alan?! You're a monster!"
"This rock isn't as bad as you think. It's a blessing, and all you did was speed up my plan."

Alan picked up the burning hot pot with no reaction to getting burned even though his skin was melting away. He tipped the pot showing them that what was inside was no longer a rock but a new substance. A green substance.

"You're going to be like me."

Alan through the goop onto his wife and friend, causing the two to scream in fear and pain.


In the morning the people of the town were out working when Alan, Joseph, and Marylin walked through. When they reached the middle, they stopped.

Joseph and Marylin had fear on their faces as they looked at all the people. In their eyes, everyone looked like hideous creatures right out of horror stories.

"A-a-a-Alan, there are so many monsters," Marylin said as she shook.

"EXCUSE ME, EVERYONE!" Alan said, getting the town's attention.

"What the hell are you talking about, Alan?"

"Remember what I told you two? Please don't kill them. Get your blood in their veins."

Joseph and Marylin ran after the town's people biting, stabbing, and ripping everyone apart and torturing them. They cut themselves, making the people drink their blood or putting their wounds together, infecting the entire town with their infected blood.

After they were finished, everyone in the town had become just like Alan. They all had gotten different horrible abilities.

"Now all my friends are monsters. Time to get more."

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