Gaining Control

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"Pix came to Japan to go to middle school with Kacchan and me. I had to hurt her to make her stop what she was going to do."

"Pix, come on, we're gonna be late!" Izuku said as he took her hand.

The young cousins ran hand in hand to Bakugo's house. They got their friend and headed off to their middle school.

It was Izuku and Bakugo's second year and Pix's first year, so they were in different classes.

Pix entered her classroom and sat down, excited to make new friends.

At lunch, Izuku and Bakugo looked around the cafeteria for Pix but didn't see her. They walked over to a group of first-years that were in her class.

"Where's the American transfer student?" Bakugo asked with an aggressive voice.

"Why should we tell you?"
"You aren't even non our class."

Bakugo slammed his hand on the table and asked again, "where is the transfer student?!"

Izuku pulled him back from the table and said, "sorry about him. He's protective. The girl is my cousin, and we hoped to have lunch with her."

"Last time we saw her, she was doing extra work in the classroom."
"Thank you!"

Izuku and Bakugo walked to Pix's room, but she wasn't there then saw kids rushing up the stairs with cameras.

"We're on the top floor. Those stairs go to the roof," Izuku said.

"I have a bad feeling."

Bakugo ran and followed the group, and Izuku followed.

When they got to the roof, the two pushed through the crowd. When they got to the front, they saw Pix on top of another student. Pix tried to stab her, and the knife went through the girl's hand.

"HELP ME! GET HER OFF!" The girl cried.


Izuku ran over to help, but she took the knife out and swung it at her cousin. He was able to dodge it, but then she went after him. Everyone was watching and filming the incident, thinking it was fake since the girl Pix had stabbed was in the theater club.

"What are you doing?!" Izuku asked in a panicked voice.

She didn't say anything. She just kept going after him. Another student pushed Izuku out of the way, wanting to be a part of what he thought was a show.

"Come one bitch let's go!" He said excitedly.

Pix's sight turned to the student in front of her and charged him but not thinking it was real, the boy didn't move, and she stabbed him in his carotid artery.

"NO!" Izuku shouted in fear.

The boy began to struggle for air, then fell to the ground and died. The boy's friends realized it was real and started screaming, causing everyone to panic. All the students ran back down into the school dragging Bakugo with them in the crowd. "WAIT! YOU IDIOTS, LET ME THROUGH!" The girl that was Pix's first target was helped off the roof by her friends, leaving only Pix and Izuku.

"I had to," she said, crying.

"I had no choice."

"What did he tell you?" He asked calmly.

"He-he-he didn't like her. She was my friend, but he said she was a bad friend, so she had to die, and I had to do it."

Pix's phone started ringing, and when she answered it, her father began speaking.

"There's a camera on that roof. I see you, Izuku. I would appreciate it if you stayed out of family matters."


"I don't have to explain myself to you. You're my nephew. I don't need to care about you. Kill him, Pix."
"Please, I don't want to hurt him."
"DO IT!"

The call ended, and she dropped the phone and started crying.

"You don't have to listen to him, Pix," Izuku pleaded.

"He's the player; I'm the toy. I have to."

Pix ran after him swinging the knife. She nicked him a few times, and twice she got the knife in him, but Izuku was good at dodging her.

He ran to the door to escape, but the other students blocked it so that Pix couldn't leave the roof.

While Izuku was struggling with the door, Pix jammed the knife into his shoulder, causing him to scream. He pushed her off him and ran to the emergency stairs, but they were locked.

Next to the stairs, there was a skinny plank of wood with nails poking out of it from the construction club that would hang out on the roof.

"I'm sorry," he said as he picked it up.

He turned around and started attacking back.

Bakugo ran back up the stairs and used his quirk to clear the stuff that was blocking the door. When he opened it, he saw Izuku and Pix fighting; the two were bloody from the other weapon.

"SHE WON'T STOP! HE TOLD HER TO!" He yelled to Bakugo.


Bakugo joined the fight and used a small explosion to push her back and get the distance. The blast wasn't strong enough to make her back down, so she got up and started going after the two.

"Her legs! Aim for her legs!"
"NO! If we hold her back long enough for the police to get here, they'll help!"
"They'll kill her! She's a murderer now!"

"Kacchan, we have to gain control," Izuku said.

"I'm not using my explanations on her."
"Just hold her arms down."
"What are you going to do?"

Bakugo looked at Izuku, who was crying, then realized his plan.

"I'm never forgiving you for this Deku."
"I won't either."

Bakugo ran towards her and used small explosions to make her disoriented and lose her balance. Once Pix had tripped and fell, Bakugo took her hands and held her down so she couldn't get back up. Then Izuku walked up to her.

"I'm sorry, Pix, I just need control."

Izuku held up the plank with nails and started hitting her with it. He struck her legs, arms, torso, back, anywhere he could. Pix had fallen unconscious, but he kept hitting her while Bakugo watched I'm fear.

When Izuku stopped, he threw the plank, fell to his knees, and started screaming in pure agony. Bakugo checked her pulse, and it was there, but it was weak, and luckily he heard an ambulance, then went to the edge of the building and shouted down to the paramedics, "UP HERE!"

Bakugo turned back to see the two cousins both in pain, both barely breathing.

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